Monday 29 May 2023

My Reflections On Nigeria Democracy Day!


´'Emi lo kan'' President Bola Amed Tinubu. Leaders Must have a Proficient Tongue. The book of the Proverbs speak of the tongue and how to use it as a positive influence. However, Leaders who use words skillfully increase their influence. Leaders who understand the power of their words will accomplish great success und they speak hope for the future etc. ''For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.'' Proverbs 11:14

Lagos State Government: How do I forget a good governance. I lost my mommy a year after my common entrance examination. Common Entrance Examination is taking in Nigeria after the completion of primary school. 

I started St Michael Primary and Nursing School in 1991 and I did my Common Entrance Examination in 1996, the same year I completed my primary six class.

My mommy was  ill and I couldn’t go to secondary school. As I’m always with my mommy and she the one in charge of my education and that of my siblings. It was a bit tough time for my siblings and I. As my mommy’s health is important to us. My mommy died in July 7 ,1997. Her death was a great lost to our family even till date. 

After my mommy’s death, all my dream of attending my favorite secondary schools in Lagos was  shattered. I loved to attend Queens college in Yaba Lagos state or Federal Model college Ijanikin Lagos. I couldn’t go to any school. I had families who are well to do and  just that my mothers death seems to be the end of everything. I was a little Child when she died. So, my dream of going to Queens college was over but my love for education was  intact. In 1998 one of my mommy’s friends Alhaja Olaiya a business Mogul who deals with building materials had introduced me to Captain Ekeinde, the husband of popular Nigerian actress Omotola Jalade Ekeinde. Mr Ekeinde and his beautiful wife visited me and my family and they were really willing to sponsor my education and wanted me to live with them in their house as at then. A lot of people thought I am related to the actress. That is another story and this how I got to know captain Ekeinde and his beautiful family and I later visited them at their home.

My elder brother Prince has a library full of books because he was already a student at the Model college. So I started reading prince’s books even though most was science subjects. I started saving money to buy books. I started reading the Bible even though I didn’t have full understanding of the scripture at this stage of my life. I have just found a new therapy for the lost of my mommy. Reading and writing became my hobbies. 

In 1998, I slept and I dreamt I went to the Redeemed church. Well, I was born into white garment church… (C&S). As I woke up on the Sunday morning, I went to meet my cousin Morenike, who lived in the next street to our house. I asked her if she knows any church call Redeemed church? She replied me that she didn't know but there is one new church people are going now close to the busstop, ok. I had dressed up in one of my best clothes and I went to the church, lo and behold it was a Redeemed church (Holiness Parish) soon I found a new family in the Lord. I joined the teenager church. Later we had a group called the Ecclesiastes dancers. Super time, we dancers from the scripture. This group was was formed by sister Funmi Akinjola. Well, soon the pastor children became my friends and I brought most of my friends to the church. Soon I met my God mother Pastor Jacquelyn K. Heasley who came from America to Minister at RCCG. Soon I started attending camps services etc. I started Evangelism with our Pastor wife, going to hospital to pray for the sick etc. I forget I’m not even going to school as people thought I should be in School. I never share my problems with anyone as people believe if your father have a building and tenant in Lagos you are from a rich family. Well, I’m from polygamous family, my father married four wives. That is another story. 

In 1999 a new government emerged in Nigeria and Lagos state. That was the administration’s of Mr Bola Amed Tinubu. 

And I started my secondary school in that same year 1999. At same time, I am no longer worried about going to Queens college or Federal Model college, I just want to go to school. So, we went to make enquiry about the school. Well, my mother last words to me was that i should go to school and she told me that I will travel out of the country that I should just face my studies. 

I went to OHS secondary, the the woman in charge of the registration asked me which class I want to enrolled in, I told her JSS 3- then the sport Teacher Mr Femi called me out of office after he had patiently listened to our conversation. He pointed his finger to one of the school 3 storeys building, then he said, someone who just come from nowhere without any building experience can not build that building I’m seeing. He said he will advise me to start from JSS 1. That the foundation of everything in life is very important. Then I accepted his advice, I went back to the office and told them I will start from JSS 1. So they registered me. I got all my books and my brother bought my school uniform for me. 

Soon I started having good grades particularly in my English language and literature. Soon my teachers got familiar with me. Soon I became loved by some of them. My vice principal became my godmother. Some of the students had thought she was my relatives. As the love grew more deeper. My vices principal, is a wealthy woman. Her husband is rich and her sisters  are politicians. Soon I became members of the family, spending weekend at her beautiful luxury home and attending church service with them. When they transferred her away from the school, we still had contact together even till date. She is now like my real mommy, she accepted all my siblings and even when I introduced my half brother Ayo to her. Her children called me their cousin so you can imagine the kind of relationship we have built. I wear her clothes and I am very free in her house, as a matter of fact, that is my home till date. The love is too real and unconditional. Soon I finished my junior secondary school and started SSS1 (senior secondary school).

In 2000 Governor Bola Amed Tinubu (the elect President...) activated the provision of free education in all public primary and secondary schools. Books were been supplied to school library. I remember in my school also created a new library for all the students. Mr Bola Amed Tinubu also created the provision of payment of WAEC/NECO fees including all internal examination fees, to ensure that children do not drop out of School. This mean a lot to me and so is all the less privileged children who benefits from this system of education in Lagos State. 

Now I was already popular in the school. The new principal and vice principal also loves me. My writing continues as I publish some of my articles in the school magazine. I started representing my school for debates and essays competition and speech delivering. And I won various prices for my school including the award on world environmental day. During my secondary school days, I was privileged to meet some Lagos politicians, the Lagos state commissioner and Minister for education etc. 

I wrote a lot of articles, essays writing competitions, debates, poems and speech delivering. I was interviewed often by journalists from various TV station in Nigeria

I remembered on one occasion, when I just finished one of my speech delivery on National day for all Nigerian Secondary school. Powerful speech where I used some of leadership quotes from John Maxwell. On my way home the vice principal, the new vice principal  had offered to give me a ride and as she drop me. I saw one of my teachers on his balcony popularly known by the students as uncle T. Saw me coming and screamed my name Queen Ebinyi. I just finished watching your interview on the NTA channel 1. Great job, he said. I said thank you sir. I didn’t know the program was live on TV anyway. Thereafter I attended various seminars and soon, I started planning to publish a magazine, my dream was to become the youngest publisher. I have started going to different secondary schools to collect articles from the best students and start sharing my ideas with them. People like Banke Oregbemi the former Head girl of Model college. I also met the former principal of Model college Mr. Etti, who happened to be a close friend to Mr. Bola Amed Tinubu, when he heard about my writing skills. Mr Etti was willing to introduce me to Mr Bola Amed Tinubu who was the governor of Lagos state as at that time. In his word, he said that if the governor meet me he will definitely help me. After several attempts to make appointments with the governor, who was not in the country according to him as at that time. I continue pursuing my dream I gathered all my materials but I didn’t have money for publication but I kept on encouraging my team to keep on working. We continue doing research and the title of the magazine was Taking Nigeria to a greater height. And the organization name was Hope for tomorrow. Well, I went to different media houses in Lagos and I will never forget the impact of PM newspaper from the Editor Mr Ademola to the photographer Mr Idowu Ogunleye. who took me to their photo library and gave me pictures that will fit each of the write ups for the magazine. And the fact that they believe so much in my dream of becoming a publisher. Well, my publish articles ended up in Lagos State University at desk of Lecturer Mrs Yomi Ogunwunmi. The head of English department as at that time. Who promised to go through and see how she can be of help…

Well , in the journey of becoming the youngest publisher, I was introduced to the Nigerian Institute of Journalism. Where I study mass communication before attending London School of Journalism where obtained my diploma in general journalism and second diploma in blogging and lifestyle. I was also privilege during my secondary school to obtained a certificate from the new Era foundation from her excellency Mrs Oluremi Tinubu,,as a pre educator on HIV in eradicating the disease in Nigeria. 

I still have the certificate not only the certificate but the lessons and moral that I learnt at that time  has really shaped me into the woman I am becoming. Well, when I heard Mr Bola Amed Tinubu is the elected president of Nigeria, it was a mixed feeling for me. Though positive one. I believe with a good strategy he might rule Nigeria successfully. At this time, I want to encourage all Nigerians to forget everything that has happened and embrace the new government with a positive energy and continue to pray for all our leaders. 

Less I forget, I have the privilege of traveling around the world and I have been to a lot of countries in Europe and American and I still believe in the betterment of my beloved country Nigeria. 

Going to Redmeedmed church was a huge blessing for me and attending OHS secondary school which was what brought me to where I am today. I completed my nursing school with a diploma in Germany. I might not have got all the education like I wanted it but I am so thankful to God and my love for education is forever. And my love for the scripture is till eternity. 

Happy Demoracy Day Nigeria! God bless President Bola Amed Tinubu and God bless Nigeria. 

The Governor I never met!

I am Queendaline Schneider ( aka Queen Angelina).


Anonymous said...

Wowwwww.... What a story didn't want it to end I enjoy every part of it 👏👏

Anonymous said...

In life every one has a story to say but let keep on thanking God.

Anonymous said...

Wow, really inspiring

Anonymous said...

Power in the tongue.