Friday 17 November 2023

Why am I Single, When I’m such a good girl?

Why am I still single? Well, the answer to this question are not far-fetched. I have never thought about this, until recently when I had a conversation with a friend about my relationship life. And of course, I am not ignorant to the questions some friends ask me like "when would you get married" Other things seem to be going well and smoothly. I have two successful careers and I am working hard to become someone to reckon with in the society and also a woman of influence and a super role model to young generations. 

Who are in your circle of friends:

I have cut-off fake friends. I have chosen healthy and defined relationships to avoid wrong counsels.

I remember how some friends tried to introduce me to men/guys of their choice, because they thought time is no longer on my side. Well, maybe they all meant well for me but as for me, I didn’t find it funny at all. 

For instance, A friend tried introducing her elder brother to me, who was in another country (somewhere in Africa), at 40 years, this guy still living with his parents. He had no job but I don’t know about his education background though. Before I knew what was going on the sister had already given him my contact and sent some of my pictures to him. He started chatting with me on WhatsApp and I obviously didn't have any feelings for him.

 After some weeks I didn’t hear from him, then he showed up again telling me his phone had faults… oh God! I thought within myself, I have not even said yes to you and your phone has started having faults, what will happen if we end up dating. Not only will I sponsor the  marriage ceremony and process his documents to join me here, I'll also be responsible for other bills. After, discussing it with one of my mothers in Nigeria and some friends, they told me to just forget him. Which is also what I intended doing. Well, that was not the only option from Africa…

Another instance, happened here, I visited friend who just newly married and we talking, and we suddenly got talking about me being single. Before I knew it she and her husband had suggested to me a guy from their church. I have also met the guy before once when I attended the church service with them. That sounds good right! Well, as we continued in the conversation my friend husband told me that the guy is really ready to settle down and he is 40 years old. Then my friend quickly told me, that she doesn’t know if the guy has documents to travel to Nigeria for wedding like they did. I gently asked them, what he does for a living? Then my friend's husband replied in the negative. Then my friend said well, she don’t know too but she thinks the guy don’t have any vocational training in Germany. Well, that ended the conversation, as I got mute for a while. 

I know, I am not the only single out here, does any of the above instances sound familiar? Just wondering, how people throw what they can’t accept to you as help. 

Well, I am one happy girl, and above all of these things, I chose my joy and happiness. I don’t have any regrets and I have gotten to a stage in my life, where I will NEVER settle down with someone who has nothing doing. It's ok if he is doing a professional course but he must have something to show. I have seen people who are retired and still have to continue working 100 percent because they have a husband who has never worked before. 

I know people who seem to have it all. They have got everything; have achieved success in all spheres of life and they also feel unfulfilled. One thing is needed in life. Contentment and knowing God. There is a God! A lot of successful people/Celebrities are unable to achieve success in the area of marriage, why? Majorly because of the absence of the G-factor. 

 Going back on  memory lane, when I look back on times in my life, I thought within myself, "why am I single if I’m such a good girl”?  A lot of the reasons I didn’t put into consideration were:

Self Belief:

I used to think that I was still single for some reasons. I haven’t met the right suitor yet and I have built a system that I was proud of and my standards seems to be rightfully high! I needed to be more patient and not falling into the wrong hands etc. 

Nurturing Hope:

I solidly believed that one day I would attract my dream relationship, as long as I embraced a positive attitude; enjoyed my life, focusing on what I wanted in a partner… 

I Don’t Care Attitude:

I used to care so much about what everyone else thought about me being single. But I have come to realised, that not caring what anyone thinks of me, my life, and being true to myself is a powerful place to dwell in. 

Self Care/Tips from Queenscourt:

Dear fellow single lady, 

Take care of yourself and commit everything into the hands of your Creator (God). 

Enjoy life, life is magic don’t rush it, relax. No one else's love will heal you or make you whole, accept the unconditional love of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Hey Friends, what do you think about this post? Kindly drop your comments and share your experience with me. Thank you and God bless! 

He had four unmarried daughters, who prophesied. (Act 21:9)

Seek and read from the book of the Lord: Not one of these shall be missing; none shall be without her mate. For the mouth of the Lord has commanded, and his Spirit has gathered them. (Isaiah 34:16)

Pen by Queendaline!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful and inspiring post.This would encourage and inspire a lot of women in the same position.
The best part of this post is "Never settle for less" because of what people say or what the society thinks❤️

Anonymous said...


Queendaline Schneider said...

Many a thanks for you dear. I really appreciated you 🥰🙏🏽!

Anonymous said...

Lovely write-up and I'm sure you'll know me from way back in Nigeria.

I feel your pain and I want to encourage you not to feel pressured or discouraged. Do not settle for anything less..

There is really no formulae to find a good man other than to trust God. Take note your may not appear as a prince charming but maybe gold covered in mud. Once a man is doing something or making an effort and has his heart connected to God and he is teachable, you got a man Queen.

Keep doing your thing and in His time, he'll make all things beautiful for you.

Queendaline Schneider said...

Wow! Many a thanks for you! For the words of encouragement. I really appreciated. 🥰🙏🏽!