Thursday, 19 May 2016

Strange Things Has Entered The Church

One of the things that makes God different from man, is that, "with God all things are possible". God is a slient judge. He knows us more than we know ourselves, He watches over us and He sees in our innermost heart and all the things we are doing in life. The almighty God created us in His own image; He sees our beginning, He knows our end. Since He is our Creator, He has the ability to see
all the hinden things we do on earth. There is no secrecy in His presence because He sees all and He certainly knows all. Despite the fact that God is watching man and He is slient does not mean we continue in our sinful nature because time is coming when the slient Judge shall come to judge the world.

The truth is that, our leaders in the religions sector are no longer saying the truth as they supposed to do; all because they want to get applause from man, our religion system is now been mixed  up with politics. As we all know, religion is one's belief regarding the Creator of man and the Universe. And politics is the duty of man and its society; both invovled the activities of man to be carried out. Religions leader can be involve in politics when there is a necessity; the bond of CAN ( Christian Association of Nigeria) is no more firm as it ought to be. Everyone is just after the politicians for their selfish interest. The churches are now preaching against themselves. I am not surprise seeing what is now happening in the African Pentecostal Churches in Germany. Many leaders have no time to monitor the affairs of their branches or parishes in abroad because they are too busy with politics
They set up churches just to prove they have the highest members or followers in the world, forgetting that one day they will stand before the silent judge of the universe to give account of their work.

Why is there so much confusion in the church? (Case Study);The African (Nigeria/Ghana) pentecostal churches in Germany have been fighting spiritually and physically. I got several calls on daily basis from different African Pentecostal Churches members who are  having one issues or the other with the way things are been done today in the church. And it has been like that for so long. Many who came to the church healthy, claimed to be suffering from some kind of spiritual attacks from the church. Strange things have entered the church of God; Emergency prophets have emerged across the globe. The Altar of God is now the coven of voodoo with talisman and charms. They use members glory to empower themselves spiritually. Some with dangerous occultic weapons. Even those who entered their churches to overcome their battles; have gotten their battles multiplied for them.

Recently i got a report from a source, from one of the African Pentecostal Church in Germany where a faithful member of the church is now suffering from a spiritual attacks. The victim claimed she was attacked by some spiritual forces during one of her intercessory prayer for the church. She also, claimed that her destiny has been  exchanged spiritually in place of the church' glory and fame to attract more members to their church. Some members of the church also testified
on how the sister has been commited and faithful to the work of God in cash and service to the 
church. According to a source from the church, she was one of the people that paid her tithes in 
thousands of Euro before she got the attack. 

The illness or attack isn't the problem but what was the reaction of the church after her attack? Since her sickness is seasonal, whenever she has the problem they bring her to the hospital and when she gets well, she go home and continue with her normal life. Looking at her, she look very well and healthy. Since her problem is considered to be spiritual; even though they see it as a spiritual attack
based on her stories.  Sometimes her crisis could start right inside the church and the people will be afraid to come near her.  In some cases the crisis will start from anger based on certain things that happened in the church and she will speaks in aggressive manner; even though she has a point they just ignored her or try humiliating or talking down to her just because of her condition; she not of any value or relevant to the church anymore. At one time she try to raise a question like "you can't time
the holy spirit" and she was asked to leave the meeting by the wife of the assistance pastor of  her church. That she is no more part of them. Can you see the church?

Another thing that bothers me about the African Pentecostal Church in Germany is the abuse of speaking in tongues. I have, had times when i am having a discussion with people, on a normal platform; suddenly i begin to hear "macsadeboeshia" another time i hear "maricocococlalajaku",and i have been puzzled, not knowing when speaking in tongues comes into carnal matter or things of the flesh. Some Pastors too are not excluded, hmmm strange things are happening in the Christendom. 

If Jesus arrives would He meet faith on earth? We must refrain from hypocrisy, we can not deceive God with eye-service. We manage to comply with denominational doctrines and neglecting God's ordinances. A lot of christians today are pretenders with corrupt hearts; sin has hindered the prayers of many believers, we can not continue in sin,"that grace may abound?" for the wages of sin is death. Most christians have died spiritually, some ministry don't even have the presence of the Holy Spirit in
their churches anymore but yet they are leading their congregation blindly. For without the Holy 
Spirit you can do nothing. You can not betray God successfully, you will only deceive yourself to death. May God have mercy on the church and may He never leave or ignore His church. 

Another Story that happened in the church in Germany; was the case of two member from the church choir having misunderstanding because they were jealous over their Pastor. One of them said that she was the first to start cooking and doing other house chores for the Pastor since his wife and family resides in Nigeria. Even though there is nothing wrong in helping and taking care of the ministers of 
God. Why should two choirs quarreled over the Pastor and that leads to the division of that particlar 
church. A church that used to be a place of celebration of love has suddenly turned to a dry ground with lasting memories of bitter experience for the faithful members of the church. The person who coursed this commotion in the church was able to pulled out some key members from the church to start their own ministry. Strange things are now happening in the church of God. Everyone is now a 
Pastor; some are sent by God, others are sent by their stomach and another are called by self righteousness. 

We are in the end time: the scriptures stated clearly things to look out for at the end time. Let all Ministers of God go and examine themselves; what is the answer to this question? Since the truth of word of salvation, has become an archaic sermon, what does the Lord stand to gain? When the names of the righteous are called and yours is missing; hypocritic, and unfaithful believers, backbiting and backstabbling in church. Negative prayer  and fasting against your neigbours, remember  He is the Creator of all, and He is more than wisdom. And you shall meet him 
at the point of no Return. Get ready Jesus is coming back again soon. And lack of repentance attracts a painful judgement.

Repent today and ask for mercy. Let us surrender and honour God so that we can reign with Christ. Our primary duty is to seek God's kingdom first and all other thing shall be added unto us. He is coming back soon. Get ready!

Queendaline Schneider. 

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Before You Stress Yourself Take Care Of Your Brain

The brain is one of the essential organ that serves the center of the nervous system in all human and animals. The brain helps the human to perfom their daily activites, everything man does starts from thinking either good or bad, and every thoughts or activity start from the brain. 
The brain is one of the most important organ of the body because if the brain is damage it can affect the overall being of you. You can live without some organ or some part of the body but you can't live without the brain. 

Recently, i came across people who has various brain problem and story of people who died as a result of accumulated blood in the brain cell, which is coursed by stress. To some of you, you might not know about the the danger of stress until you see people who are suffering from it or perphas people who have lost their lives due to emotional and work stress. 

The Following Might Help You To Manage Your Stress And Maintain a Healthy Brain;

Avoid Any Kind of Stress: stress is enemy to the brain and the body. I know in today world of hustling for one reason or the other, it is not easy to do away with stress but then they are some 
stress you can actually do away with. Reduce your work stress, know thyself find out how your 
work and know the capacity you can go. Don't just overcome yourself out because you what to make a living but rather choose a lifestyle that enable you to work in a stress free environment. 

Avoid Negative Enegy: another thing you need to do away with is people with negative energy, if you come across people who makes you feel bad about yourself run away from them or give a breathing space. Keeping or tolerating negative people or any unpleasant situations could be dangerous and harmful to your general overwell being and even the brain. You are responsible for anything that happen to you in life, when it come to stress or even health in general. People
don't just fall ill or sick, there is always a reason either, through your lifestyle or what you allow in your life. Don't tolerante wicked or bad people in your life for the sake of over righteousness and kill yourself for nothing. They are not your enemies either, you just have to know your 
circle of friends. God has given us the priviledge of choice, and you are likely to become like 
the people you hang out with, so choose wisely. I have encountered some negative people in 
my life since i relocated to Germany and each time i try to remember the memories it turns me crazy. It is easy for us to forget an appointment and some happy moment but we often remember every single time and minutes that someone has done us wrong. Avoiding such people and praying for them in your closet will do you more good. 

Be a Thinker: thinking could mean different things to different people but here i will be talking on 'positive thinking'. I remember when i was Teen I had a book, theme: postive thinking and, i always want to open the book to read because i knew i will get a message that will keep me going for the day. That really helped me, as Teens who did'nt enjoy motherhood, i lost my 
mummy at a very tender age but thinking positively helped me to push forward in life. Even when I lost my father, i still find way to stay positive and always happy. I think my postive
energy connected me to a lot of great people who were curious to know my source of joy. 
I remember  one of my friend once said to me, i would like to be an 'orphan like you' you seems to be having the best of life. Someone once asked me what is my source of inspiration and i said 'thinking'. I hope the fellow got the message, because thinking positively helps you to connect to the universe. It is only those who think deep that can find solution to some of their problems which no one has answer to. One of the things i learned from seeking counsel from other people; is that no one has a definite solution or answer to another person's problem in this world. You can only share your thoughts and worries with other people, just to ease you from the tension in that moment. I also, realised that telling people some of my challenges in life was one the biggest mistakes i made because i did't get any advice or solution to my problem from 
any of my counsellor.  But when i started thinking positively, i got connected to the right people and i was able to move on with my life. 

Be Focus on What You Can Change: when you focus your mind on things you can achieve or change it helps you to believe in yourself and when you believe in yourself you will authomatically love yourself unconditionally. It is only when you are happy with your life, that you can take good care of yourself because enjoying life positively is the key to overcome any form of stress because nothing bothered you so much. By this way you live a life of contenment and happiness come from being contented in life. Like the Germans will say "ich bin zufrieden" meaning "i am contented". I live a life of contentment and i'm operating in a life of aboundance. 
Sleep: the recommended hours for a sound sleep is 8 hours per night or day. Basically, having a sound sleep lasting 8 hours does help in stimulating brain growth. One of the easiest way of solving a problem is by sleeping over it. For example, my husband and I, whenever, we are face with any problem that will don't have a ready solution for, my husband will say to me 'it is better will sleep over it'. And that really help us in dealing with some challenges. So sometimes i do sleep over my problem, i actually learn that from my husband. Sleeping is a good medicine for any kind of worries. Also sleep helps to activate the mind and the physical body. Having a sound sleep could help you to overcome or minimize some serious health issue. I sleep well, when is time to retire to bed. I think it is better to keep a regular bedtime routine for a sound sleep. 
Meditate on The Word Of God: you can meditate on the word of God by reading the bible and singing in hymns and psalms. Also, by reading inspirational messages, books and skills learning. Meditate on the area of your life, you feel you need change and what you need to do 
to help achieve the change that you desires most. Meditation is powerful tool for the brain. Don't underestimate the power of meditation when it is in line with God. 

Stay Connect With Positive People: get support from the positive people around you. Talk to people that you trust about your problems. Personally, when i have a problem that is disturbing me too often, i call friends or family that i trust and i share my thoughts and problem with them. Even though they do not have a ready solution, it ease me up. According to a report "sharing our problems with our loved ones releases endorphins and it is one of the best antidotes against 

Avoid getting bored: boredom is not good for the brain. As it block the brain from flowing well. The best way to avoid boredom is to be adventourous. Do something that catches your breath. Go out, make new friends, learn new skills, travel more to see new places and to learn new culture. Don't just sit in your comfort zone get out and get some fresh air and feel the gentle breezy. 

Giving: practice the act of giving. Be a blessing to other, we always have our spiritual blessings from God when give. I am so thankful each time i can give back to the society. Whenever i give out i feel happy and blessed. Nothing is too small to give, and you can give in various ways; you can give by volunteer yourself. Volunteering connects you to other people and in helping others you also gain unforgetable experiences that will be useful in life. Volunteering with Tafel makes me happy , because it is a service for humanity; you can give your time, money and service (Grünstadter Tafel e.V). Be helpful to one another, care for the poor, the needy, orphans, widows. You can also give by supporting a local cause; donating clothes or money to charity. E.g red cross or orphanage home. Off course i know a lot of people are doing this but we should not stop or be weary in doing good. I feel so great when i can show a little kindness to others.

 Eating good: check your diet. Eat a well balanced diet. Like food is important for the brain. I remember when one of my driver at work; a man over 70 years of age who  was born with a heart failure, he once told me, that i should be eating very well". He also emphasised on the type of food; Fish, Turkey, Chicken, Beans, Fruits, and Vegetables are good for the brain and overall wellness. Whenever, we meet at work, the first thing the old man will ask me after (guten tag) good day'!  is have you eaten? And he will continue by telling me what he has 
eaten . So I learned from him (Mr Holst) that food is good for the brain. I agreed with him because i don't patronize McDonald's restaurant (fast food). I don't eat too much processed food, i eat organic food; i eat a lot of vegetables, fish, turkey, chicken, and few red meat. 

However, water: water is a must for a life. Avoid Alcohol and juice, control your blood sugar. Drink more of water. Drink water first thing in the morning, drink water after exercise and before bed time. I start my day with water; i drink warm water in the morning and i eat fruits first thing in the morning before my main breakfast. Find out what is best for you and keep to your routine and most importantly, pay attention to your body language. 

I will advice everyone take care of their brain before stressing themselves because good health is more than living and dreaming, by extension a good health is a good life, and being thankful to God who made it possible. God place man on earth to take care of it, including himself. So don't neglect your health by being over spiritual. Go for your medical checkups, if your faith hasn't grown to the level of supernatural health.

Queendaline Schneider.