Saturday 24 May 2014

Hustling Life In Europe

Europe as it is, to many people living in an under-developing or third world country is the land of greener pastures; as America is said to be "the land of opportunity".
Many immigrants come to Europe for greener pastures only to be faced with a harsh reality-- there is no such thing as greener pastures. Some end their lives in prison or refugee camp while others are living in deep depression.

In recent times, I have become so judgemental of black living in Europe; particularly Nigerians. This is as a result of the story i was told when come in contact with some Africans (blacks) here in Germany. Most of these people came to Europe with only visiting Visa and never returned to their country. Of course this might not be news to some people but then to me it was news and i find it very interesting and very touching because i live here and i have seen a lot of these people...

Most times, i have sympathy on some and others i puzzled because of the stories these people tells the European government are unimaginable. On the other hand, they look at the blacks people as... who cannot be trusted. And as people who are not intelligent. 
For instance, a preacher who graduated here as an Engineer said that "even when you seems to be brilliant or intelligent than their citizen, you can not get the same grade with them. " Another example, my classmate in my language course saw my passport and asked me if that is a refugee passport? I quickly answered and said no, this is a Nigerian passport and i showed him all the previous visas on my passport. I don't even blame him because most blacks or Nigerians don't even have their passport anymore. Some throw their passport away because they want an EU passport. 

I began to wonder, why? Because some of These people are Christians and they tells a lot of lies, forged documents and even fabricated stories just to have their stay in Europe. I am so irritated with my people, because i believe in the illusion; that all these blacks (African) who are living illegal in Europe are the reasons why the European look down on blacks (Africans) generally. Even though, there are other European who are not in the EU or Asia who are also migrating to other areas in Europe or USA for better living yet the black people are being treated unfair in Europe and other part of the world. 

I am so worried after seeing and hearing how people live here. Some who are graduates-
OND, HND and even master holder- are now bus drivers in Europe. ( few learn other profession and other went back to university here as well; in order to work in a better position or to earn a good wages to will enable them to have a good standard of living). 
After spending and investing so much in their education back home. 

I have truly repented  for being too quick to judge other people.... After reading about the news of the girls who were taken away from school during their examination and the bombing in Nigeria, it is enough reason for people in this state to seek for a place of refuge. Nevertheless, there are right ways of going about it, if people want to see the other part of 
the world or if they want to explore the world. 

Meanwhile, i have been wondering and searching for an answer, for these questions: why is it that they are no Africa country that is yet developed? Why is it that even born-again 
Christians have to lie or do some certain things that are not biblical before they can make way? I heard our President (President Goodluck Jonathan ) said that Nigeria is not poor but 
the money is not in circulation. Why is the money not in circulation if the country is rich as claimed?

I want to use this oppertunity to inform some brilliant young ones out there to please Apply for Student visa in other developed countries instead of coming for visiting and seeking  for asylum in Europe or else where. Nigeria have got a lot of intelligent and talented youth. 
Dream Big, don't  dream of coming to Europe to work as cleaner or live on social welfare. 
Build yourself. Think of people like Prof. Wole Soyinka among others who can be rank internationally. AND PLEASE, #bringbackourgirls# they need the Education.

Queendaline Schneider. 


Unknown said...

Nice writing

Unknown said...

Nice writing

Unknown said...

You are really brilliant but there are some mistakes in your writing
Cheers dear

Queendaline Schneider said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Queendaline Schneider said...

Thanks dear. Noted.

Unknown said...

Nice writeup, hardwork really pays if God is involve it is well

Queendaline Schneider said...

Oh yes! You are right. God says he will bless the work of our hands.