Saturday 1 March 2014


I have not written or discussed about the Boko Haram, until I viewed one of the most recent video of the sect. In this video the leader of the sect Abubakar Shekau said, " Our fighters stormed the Bama barracks" while seated on a mat and flanked by a group of armed men. " This is a victory from Allah,"he said, and claimed to have destroyed "21 armoured tanks, killed multitudes in the deadly attack. He also said that, his men would have eaten their enemies, but Allah forbids cannibalism.

Boko Haram, I have good news for you. Jesus loves you! It is not too late to turn a new leaf. Let us live in peace with one another. Make love and not war. If you claim that you are fighting for Islam religion, I want to believe that the Islam is a peaceful religion as claimed. Why don't you leave the fight and judgement for the almighty Allah. I hope you are not being use by some politician... Stop sacrificing innocent soul for nothing... You are not the first to kill people, don't feel like a hero. Do you have a family? How would you feel if someone kill your entire family in one day for a cause they knew not? I think, this is part of the reason some European do not believe in any religion. 

Boko Haram meaning Western Education is forbiden: I want to inform you that Western Education is part of civilization and it has nothing to do with any religion. And I want to let you know that it might be difficult for us as Nigerians to understand each other due to the various ethic group in the country. I want to agree, that Western Education is very important as it create room for easy communication. For instance, if you have not spoken in english in your video, no one would have understood your course. Expect for your ethic group, and I believe the message is not for them only. It was a national message and that was the why you used the official language (English language) in your videos... Hehe lol! I can not believe in this 21st Century they are still people like you who are being used to destroye humanity all in the name of one religion or politics or whatever reason.
However, my question is this; How would you feel on the day of judgement, when you died and you are standing in front of God/Allah and you were told the religion you were practicing was the wrong religion?

What is religion without humanity?  When will you end or stop the killing? Is when you have damage lives and properties beyond any reasonable measure or when you kill or the poor people of my beloved country (Nigeria)?
Shekau , use your power to liberity Nigeria from its corrupt practice and not to allow yourself to be manipulated by the bad governance.

However, Nigeria is not a christian or muslim religion nation, both religion was introduced by European and Al Arabiya people. We have a long tradition of struggle for our national rights, reaching back to the very beginnings of white settlement who brainwash us with the so core religion. Of course GOD is so real but this people have tried to replace the existence of GOD with religion's rituals
It has not been genuine, be it academic or politics or traditional faith or denominational. With other religious worldview, to be objective, unbiased and very unfortunately this is done out of arrogance and ignorance. 

In recent time, I have be able to study about some religious. To be honest with you, of all the religiou; I found JESUS very interesting... He is the only one who has the power to forgive man sins. Jesus Christ, however, never alluded to any personal sin. Instead, Jesus forgave 

people of their sin and he is still forgive us of our sin... Buddha, never claimed that he was righteous or sinlessness. Muhammad also admitted that he was in need of forgiveness.
And now the Boko Haram claimed they are fighting for Islam by killing poor innocent children. I want us to separate religion from politics in order not to sin against our creator and humanity.
LOVE is the solution to all war.
Written by Queendaline Schneider. 

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