Thursday 18 January 2024

Food and Not Weapons

Food, not weapons I have been thinking and reflecting on a lot of things lately, and I think I have to put them down in writing. The world is going through a lot of changes so quickly, and I am pondering how to make it a better place for everyone. After the evolution of the world (the creation of the world), what happened? Well, the world has always had its problems, even in the absence of technology. There has always been a time of war, famine, and peace. The humans of some thousands of years ago were also not different from modern humans today; the only difference between them was a lack of knowledge about some things in the universe. The ancient humans were also more intelligent and creative in their own way. They knew they had to eat to survive, and they knew they had to protect their environment against predators who could harm or attack them. They fought their so-called enemies. Going back to the time when religion came in, people became more informed about their world through inspiration and dreams. They came to the knowledge of the creator; they realise they must have been a greater being somewhere who has made this world. Man searches for the truth about the co-existence of the world. Man became more conscious of the world's creations. Through inspiration,the holy books were written. According to some scholars, both books have some similarities in terms of the Abrahamic religions. And both claim to believe in one God amongst other religious beliefs today.God (the creator) has given man authority and power in decision-making and the knowledge to make the world a better and safer place for all mankind. According to the genesis, man has dominion over all other creatures. The rate of calamities in the world is alarming. Sometimes I used to think wars were old things, and the modern world should be at peace with one another. Of course, there will always be wars because people have different interests and perspectives on ways of viewing things, but this could be resolved through dialogue before it escalates. Recently, I heard that some country leaders are sending millions to the Ukrainian government to support the war, and I began to think about the majority of innocent civilians who only need some food to survive. While their leaders are requesting more money to acquire weapons, the UN and other NGOs are soliciting donations from people to help give the people affected by the war food and medicine,which is very important. Looking at some underdeveloped countries where children are dying for food, these countries have money to buy weapons of war. Well, the government of any nation has the right to protect their country; if anyone attacks them, it is their right to defend their country by fighting back. But all these have to be done with safety measures in a way that will not affect civilians.If two nations decide to go to war,let them meet at the battlefield, where each soldier will face each other and not otherwise. The world is a beautiful place, and let us preserve it for the next generation. Let the unborn generations have the opportunity to live in peace and freedom. The goal of a leader is to think more highly of its citizens than of themselves. I have always believed in equality; yes, it is possible. If the world leaders decide to change the way things are done, they can. Money is not created in heaven; money has been made here on earth. The way they print out cash to buy weapons, it can be printed for more social infrastructure and commodities for the common man. Some people only need good food and a place to live. Again, I came to the realization of how our agriculture sector has been affected in so many ways. Our fruits and vegetables are no longer tasty like they used to be. Too many chemicals are now being used to produce food, and I’m just wondering if we are still getting all the nutrients from these foods. The animals have been given so many antibiotics, which could also affect human health if consumed in large quantities for a long time. It is my hope that the world will be a better place for all. What causes quarrels, and what causes fights amongst you? Is it not this—that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have it because you did not ask. (James 4:1-2).

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