Monday 27 May 2024

Honoring the Innocence and Happiness of Children's Day

Children are considered to be the most precious beings on Earth, deserving of a life filled with goodness and quality. It is imperative that children are safeguarded and their rights and freedoms are upheld and respected at all times. It is crucial for parents, especially mothers, to prioritize the well-being of their children. Parents should be vigilant in protecting their children from harm. Young children, particularly babies and those under the age of three, are unable to communicate their discomfort verbally. Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents, especially mothers, to use their intuition to identify and address any issues their children may be facing. Neglecting to closely monitor and observe changes in children is not advisable. Parents must be attentive and keep a close eye on their children's well-being. A concerning anecdote was shared about a father whose daughter ingested soap, fell and injured her head on multiple occasions, and another daughter placed her hand in boiling water. This raises questions about the mother's awareness and attentiveness to her children's safety. The effectiveness of a mother's watchfulness and instinct in safeguarding children from potential hazards is uncertain based on the aforementioned situation. As we celebrate Children's Day, let us extend warm wishes to all the children around the world. May the Almighty continue to protect and watch over our young ones. God bless all the children in the world. Amen.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Becoming a Mother: A Journey of Self-Discovery

My Seed, My Story: A Personal Story of Overcoming Adversity and Finding Purpose' 'The Miraculous Journey of My Seed: From Planting to Harvest. Becoming a mother motherhood is undeniably one of life's most fulfilling experiences. It is an honor to be able to narrate my journey towards becoming a parent. As a first-time parent, I am still amazed by the process of becoming one. I'm sure many are left wondering after reading this blog. "A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world." John 16:21 The passage from John 16:21 illustrates the profound transformation that occurs when a woman gives birth. Despite the pain and anguish experienced during childbirth, the joy of bringing a new life into the world eclipses all previous suffering. This verse highlights the powerful emotions and sacrifices that women endure in the process of becoming mothers.
Frequently, people inquire whether I have children or when I plan to have my own. I have often used pictures of friends' and family's babies as profile pictures on my social media accounts because I have a deep affection for children, and seeing those adorable images brings me immense joy, reflecting my love for them. ”Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him." Psalm 127:3 Some of the questions posed to me were left unanswered, as they were not entirely necessary. God is faithful, and His love is unwavering. If He promises something, He is more than capable of fulfilling it. I have never doubted this; I simply believe that when the time is right, I will indeed become a parent. It was a journey of destiny that led to self-discovery. I must clarify that I have not received any infertility diagnosis. I am fertile, but sometimes life's course cannot be predicted based on the choices we make. I got married at 27 with the aspiration of having my own children. Little did I know that it would take another decade to achieve this, despite being healthy and fertile. But it happened. As I have always maintained, God will never share His glory with anyone. So, when advised to seek help in various places, I choose to keep it to myself, as I firmly believe that no one can truly comprehend your story unless they have walked a similar path. Throughout my journey of becoming a mother, I have maintained unwavering faith in God and remained focused on His promises for me. Not once did I doubt His abilities. Despite being written off by many and hearing negative remarks from some friends, I refused to let those comments affect me. This moment in my life is incredibly fulfilling, and I am deeply grateful to God for this precious gift. It is common knowledge that there are certain factors to consider when it comes to childbirth. People often make negative assumptions about women over the age of 35 and the potential complications they may face during pregnancy. However, I can confidently say that I had a healthy pregnancy from the very beginning until the day of delivery. I did not encounter any problems and gave birth naturally, without the need for any medication. I express my gratitude to God for the exceptional care provided by the nurses, doctors, and midwives at HD Hospital on the day I gave birth. They truly did an outstanding job. This journey of becoming a mother has taught me invaluable lessons. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing; To shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him. Psalm 92:14-15
During my pregnancy, I made the decision to keep it a secret from everyone except my older brother, who has always been a source of encouragement for me. I chose not to share this news with anyone else because I wanted to avoid unnecessary stress and the burden of explaining myself. All I needed during that time was my faith in God, and He was there for me every step of the way. When I finally announced the birth of my child to a few close friends, some of them immediately questioned whether I had undergone IVF. However, my answer was a resounding no. I did not conceive my baby through IVF and I didn’t use any medication. This miracle is solely the work of the Lord, and it is truly amazing in our eyes. Once again, I have witnessed God's goodness in my life, and I am forever grateful for this precious gift of life that He has bestowed upon us. In light of my experience, I feel compelled to share my personal insights and advice with women who are at the stage in life where they desire to become mothers. I view this as a calling to live purposefully and to support others on their journey to motherhood. I vividly recall a time when someone asked me when I would have a child, and my response was that the only circumstance in which I wouldn't have a child is if there were no God. Let me emphasize once again that I firmly believe in the existence of God, my Creator. I have never doubted His love for me, and the birth of my child serves as undeniable evidence of His boundless love and grace towards me and my family. I am deeply grateful for all my friends and family who prayed for me in their quiet moments and for those individuals whom God used to provide me with words of wisdom and encouragement. God remains faithful even when we are unfaithful, and I pray that all those who are seeking God's blessing of children will have their heartfelt desires fulfilled in the name of Jesus Christ. On this Mother's Day, I extend my warmest wishes to all the mothers out there, as well as to those who aspire to be mothers, including myself. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:25:26 Queendaline's pen/Time-With-Queendaline Greetings, beloved family and friends. I am filled with gratitude as I recount my journey to motherhood. Please join me in thanking God for the blessing of our new family. I am truly thankful for each and every one of you.

Friday 12 April 2024

Exploring Croatia: A Journey to Remember

Croatia is renowned for its warm and hospitable locals who are always eager to assist and engage with foreigners. The country is home to a plethora of remarkable landmarks, captivating cities, and stunning beaches. The Croatian people are not only friendly but also highly intelligent and well-educated individuals. They possess a wealth of knowledge and can effortlessly converse about the latest literary masterpieces, popular movies, and music trends. I had the pleasure of engaging in thought-provoking discussions with a few Croatians during my visit. During my trip, I had the privilege of being accompanied by two college students who graciously acted as my personal tour guides.
Their extensive understanding of the world and our planet Earth left a lasting impression on me. To my surprise, they insisted on paying for our meal when the bill arrived, showcasing their generosity and kindness. One of the highlights of my journey was visiting the historic Bloody Bridge, where I delved into the rich history of an ancient church. It was fascinating to learn about the longstanding issue of wealth disparity, even within the confines of the church's traditions. Fortunately, in today's society, individuals have the opportunity to read and comprehend the Bible, bridging the gap between the rich and the less fortunate. The hospitality I experienced at the Hilton Canopy in Zagreb was truly exceptional and left an indelible mark on my memory.
The kindness shown by a stranger is always the most heartwarming and unforgettable aspect of any travel experience.

Monday 8 April 2024

My Experience At Psychiatric Hospital

My Experience at Psychiatric Hospital I was attracted to psychiatry by my experience as a nurse Trainee (Internship) at the GH hospital. It is crucial to maintain regular contact with psychiatric patients in order to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences, rather than being solely captivated by the allure of more exotic conditions. During my time at the psychiatric hospital, I had the opportunity to give a report on a patient with schizophrenia during a visit by the head physician. One particular patient had been confined to a room for 12 years, surviving solely on sweets and displaying a visibly unhealthy appearance, almost skeletal in nature. Throughout my training, I encountered numerous patients with various mental illnesses, and these experiences greatly expanded my knowledge of individuals living with schizophrenia. I became more attuned to their symptoms, as well as their unique facial expressions and gestures. Although their world seemed unfamiliar to me, I found myself constantly thinking about them and pondering the reasons behind psychosis and schizophrenia. It became clear to me that no one deserves to suffer from these mental illnesses, as the pain they endure is invisible and incomprehensible to others. While a physical wound is visible to all, the same cannot be said for the internal struggles of those with schizophrenia. Furthermore, I firmly believe that we should not dismiss the beliefs held by patients regarding the cause and nature of their illness. Research has shown that the greater the divide between a patient's understanding of their illness and that of their physician, the less likely they are to adhere to treatment plans and experience positive outcomes. I had resumed work by 7:am and close 3:15 pm Monday to Friday, including weekend sometime. The Workflows start with duty handover from the nurses in night duty to the morning duty nurses. (7:00 to 7:30 am). After the handover, the nurses on morning duty make a room tours to check on the patients and greet them. During this tour, the patient‘s room will be control, observing if there is anything on the floor and if the rooms are in order. The patients have buffet during breakfast, and everyone prepare his/her breakfast. Breakfast is from 7:00 to 8:00 am) but the patients can always eat anytime they want. Giving Medicine is 8:15 am and the patients become their medication at front of the station office. Around 8:30 is greeting, all the patients with nurses, physiotherapy and occupational therapist will be present to greet the patients and this is like daily structure for the patients… Each patients have a group where they belong for their planned therapy (for example, Group A is music therapy, Group B is gymnastics etc. ) There is therapy for 11:00 and there is therapy for 3:pm depending on the plan for each day. Every Tuesday is senior physician visit. Which start 9:30 to end around 11:00… Here the senior physician we examine the patients by asking them questions and taking observation of their mimic and gestures and as well as the patients response to his questions. Around 12:00 to 12:20 pm is lunchtime and the patients line up to pick the food at front of the station office upon on the call of their names. There are two dining rooms where the patients sits and eat their meals and a nurse must be there to eat with them for 20 minutes this is called (Exposition training). After eating the patients will bring their plate out and whoever has a duty among the patients will then clean both dining rooms. Around 1:00 to 2:pm is handover from morning nurse to afternoon duties nurse. my experience at psychiatric hospital was amazing. Unlike the commonly held view that psychiatric patients are dangerous and aggressive. I find them to be exceptionally beautiful in their own way and unique. Not all psychiatric patients are violent and unstable. In fact I have had wonderful conversations with some of the patients and working with them has really reshape my thinking process in life. Observing the patients remain curious about their mimic and gestures is aspects of everyday life changes in psychiatry. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of maintaining contact with everyday psychiatric patients, and not being lured exclusively by the glamour of exotic conditions. When I was granted the opportunity to give a report about a patient with schizophrenia during 'head physician visit‘ one of the patients with schizophrenia whom has be in only the room for 12 years without eating, he only eats sweets and he doesn’t look healthy, one can nearly see his skeleton (bones)… However, during my training at psychiatric hospital I saw a lot of patients with different mental illness and my observation at the hospital has really broaden my mind on people living with schizophrenia: such as their symptoms, Mimic and Gestures. And their ways of life. Although it looks like a different world to me, as I always observed most of the patients. My thoughts was always with them. As I kept on thinking why psychosis or schizophrenia, nobody deserves to have this mental illness, in the sense that no one can feel the pain of these patients. For example, When an individual have a wound every one can see the wound but a person suffering from schizophrenia, no one can really examine their illness because it is unseen and a strange mental feelings/condition. My opinion! Also, I do think we should not dismiss the patient's belief about the cause and nature of their illness. It has been shown that the greater the disparity between the patient's and the physician's understanding of the patient's illness, the less likely the patient is to adhere to the prescribed treatment.The same caveat applies to the family carers' beliefs about the patient's illness, even if they depart widely from your our own understanding. Finally, maintaining safety; I am not saying/writing this to raise one anxieties, but to convey the important advice I received from a senior colleague during my practical. What he said was ‘never let the patient get between you and the exit door and in an emergency situation press the emergency bells as fast as possible and don’t let the patient get you.

Sunday 31 March 2024

The celebration of Easter Day

Easter brings joy and happiness to people around the world. Christ Jesus is the Light within us, the true meaning behind Easter. The celebration of Easter Day serves as a reminder of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the cornerstone of our faith and the source of our hope for eternal glory. As we commemorate this occasion, let us allow the light and love of Christ to illuminate our hearts, guiding us to be beacons of his gospel on earth. Let us boldly proclaim the good news that Jesus Christ has risen, spreading the message of hope and salvation. As we commemorate this day of Easter, it is crucial to remember the essence behind this celebration. The resurrection of Jesus Christ stands as a testament to our faith and the promise of eternal glory. May the radiance and affection of Christ perpetually govern our hearts, enabling us to radiate his divine light and serve as living testimonies to his gospel in this earthly realm. Go forth and proclaim the glorious news of Jesus Christ's resurrection! Hallelujah. Wishing a joyful Easter to all! May the transformative impact of his resurrection persistently reveal itself in our lives, instilling within us the unwavering assurance of his hope. Today's scripture reading from Mark 16:1-8 recounts the story of Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome as they visited the tomb of Jesus. Despite their initial concerns about the stone blocking the entrance, they were met with a miraculous sight of an angel who proclaimed the resurrection of Christ. This serves as a powerful reminder of the triumph of life over death and the fulfillment of God's promise to humanity.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

The magic of spring is in full bloom.

The arrival of spring is officially here today, marking the beginning of a new season. It is truly delightful to witness the return of sunshine after the winter months. Today, I am grateful for the cold winter weather as it allows me to fully appreciate the warmth and light that accompanies the spring season. The arrival of spring signifies a period of renewal and rejuvenation in nature, as everything comes back to life. This season is widely regarded as one of the most aesthetically pleasing times of the year, with the light it brings enhancing the beauty of our surroundings. Spring also serves as a unifying force, allowing families and friends to come together and partake in the joys of the season. Today’s passage is taken from Song of Solomon 2:11-12, which beautifully describes the transition from winter to spring. As the winter fades away and the rain ceases, the earth is adorned with flowers and the time for singing arrives. The sweet sound of the turtledove can be heard throughout the land. Embrace the joy of spring and bask in the beauty of blooming flowers while soaking up the vitamin D from the sun. Happy Spring Season!

Tuesday 20 February 2024

The Gaza Crisis and worldwide turmoil.

(Photo Private) In every instance, whether it be the tears shed in Gaza, the pursuit of peace in Israel, the suffering endured in Ukraine, the hunger faced by Nigerians, or the widespread unrest across the globe, we find solace in the presence of Christ within us, the beacon of hope and promise. Remind yourself that you possess an abundance of strength and resilience, and you will overcome. It is not appropriate to hold God accountable for these circumstances. Men have dominion over all the affairs of the world, whether it be political or religious in nature. Some individuals perceive the current state of affairs as political propaganda, while others view it as a religious pursuit for power and dominance over fellow human beings. Regardless of the reasons behind these occurrences, it is evident that mankind holds the reins. The question then arises: how much longer will the impoverished civilians endure the burden of this uncertainty? The world is plagued by a fundamental issue that needs to be addressed. Is it conceivable for peace to prevail on a global scale? No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability,but with the temptation he will also rovide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Let us offer our prayers for Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, and the rest of the world, including our leaders. May peace prevail.

Thursday 18 January 2024

Food and Not Weapons

Food, not weapons I have been thinking and reflecting on a lot of things lately, and I think I have to put them down in writing. The world is going through a lot of changes so quickly, and I am pondering how to make it a better place for everyone. After the evolution of the world (the creation of the world), what happened? Well, the world has always had its problems, even in the absence of technology. There has always been a time of war, famine, and peace. The humans of some thousands of years ago were also not different from modern humans today; the only difference between them was a lack of knowledge about some things in the universe. The ancient humans were also more intelligent and creative in their own way. They knew they had to eat to survive, and they knew they had to protect their environment against predators who could harm or attack them. They fought their so-called enemies. Going back to the time when religion came in, people became more informed about their world through inspiration and dreams. They came to the knowledge of the creator; they realise they must have been a greater being somewhere who has made this world. Man searches for the truth about the co-existence of the world. Man became more conscious of the world's creations. Through inspiration,the holy books were written. According to some scholars, both books have some similarities in terms of the Abrahamic religions. And both claim to believe in one God amongst other religious beliefs today.God (the creator) has given man authority and power in decision-making and the knowledge to make the world a better and safer place for all mankind. According to the genesis, man has dominion over all other creatures. The rate of calamities in the world is alarming. Sometimes I used to think wars were old things, and the modern world should be at peace with one another. Of course, there will always be wars because people have different interests and perspectives on ways of viewing things, but this could be resolved through dialogue before it escalates. Recently, I heard that some country leaders are sending millions to the Ukrainian government to support the war, and I began to think about the majority of innocent civilians who only need some food to survive. While their leaders are requesting more money to acquire weapons, the UN and other NGOs are soliciting donations from people to help give the people affected by the war food and medicine,which is very important. Looking at some underdeveloped countries where children are dying for food, these countries have money to buy weapons of war. Well, the government of any nation has the right to protect their country; if anyone attacks them, it is their right to defend their country by fighting back. But all these have to be done with safety measures in a way that will not affect civilians.If two nations decide to go to war,let them meet at the battlefield, where each soldier will face each other and not otherwise. The world is a beautiful place, and let us preserve it for the next generation. Let the unborn generations have the opportunity to live in peace and freedom. The goal of a leader is to think more highly of its citizens than of themselves. I have always believed in equality; yes, it is possible. If the world leaders decide to change the way things are done, they can. Money is not created in heaven; money has been made here on earth. The way they print out cash to buy weapons, it can be printed for more social infrastructure and commodities for the common man. Some people only need good food and a place to live. Again, I came to the realization of how our agriculture sector has been affected in so many ways. Our fruits and vegetables are no longer tasty like they used to be. Too many chemicals are now being used to produce food, and I’m just wondering if we are still getting all the nutrients from these foods. The animals have been given so many antibiotics, which could also affect human health if consumed in large quantities for a long time. It is my hope that the world will be a better place for all. What causes quarrels, and what causes fights amongst you? Is it not this—that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have it because you did not ask. (James 4:1-2).