Saturday 4 April 2020

Why I enjoy Taking Traditional German Breakfast

Well, starting your day with a healthy breakfast, is the key to a good digestive process. Eating food that are rich in fibers makes it more easy for you. Eating unhealthy foods is one of the ways sickness peenetrate into our body and unhealthy foods could have effect on the digestive and cardiovascular system- My class of disease theory (Krankheitslehre).

German breakfast comes in different varieties, from crusty Bread (white, brown, dark and black breads), Sausage, Fruits, Cereal, Mueslis, Corn flakes, Yogurt, Quark or Quarg, Cheese, and so on. Nevertheless, to spread on the Bread is Butter, Jam, Nutella, Honey and so on. My favorite bread is the Rye Bread Rolls (Vollkorn Broetchen) and it comes in dark color. According to a German Backer, the darker, the better in nutrition.

Since, I relocated to Germany, a lot of things has changed about me, amongst the changes includes; change in food...

What has really changed about my food, is that I take precautions to what I eat, although in Nigeria I do eat healthy food but cannot be compared to what I’m eating now. I usually starts my day with warm water with lime juice, well this is my ritual every morning. Before starting with my proper breakfast. Basically my breakfast is just what you will find on the list of the normal German traditional breakfast list.

Although, I missed my Nigerian agege bread, with Blue Band Butter and “Ewa Agoyin“ Back then in Lagos, my breakfast do not contains most of the superfoods like what I am having here now. However, in Nigeria, I do not really have a regular breakfast ritual like most Nigerians. Sometimes, in Nigeria our breakfast is not really planned or programmed, one just eat anything that is available or what one feels like eating. Sometimes in Nigeria one can eats one type of food for breakfast, same food as lunch and dinner. For example, rice or even eba. I did that too before and I enjoyed the liberty of eating what one like to eat and not what one see...

Nevertheless, eating healthy food and good food is what every one should enjoy here on earth because foods plays an important part in our body, like growing of new cells and repairing dead cells in the body. And of course healthy food is also important for the immune system.

 Axel Haverich, is a German cardiac surgeon, who is currently working on the vaccine against Covid-19. Also advice people to eat healthy food to fortify their immunity against outer bodies.

SUPERFOODS: Superfoods are good for the healing and improve our body’s ability to protect itself and helps our body to fight some dieseases. Said the nutritionist- Dr. Susan. Here are some of the most nutrient-filled vegetables and fruits: strawberries, apple, kiwi, Mango, grapes, orange, kale, broccoli, carrot, spinach, garlic, ginger, turmeric, beans, peas, potatoes, lentils, cashews, legumes, nuts and seeds, kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, green tea, eggs, peanuts etc. Well, these are my favorite superfoods.

Well, Coffee is part of German traditional breakfast. I do not really drink Coffee but sometimes I do when i am hanging out with friends or when having a meetings... Although, many researched work in humans, show that coffee improves various aspects of brain function...

Eat healthy, Stay healthy and visit your GP or doctor for your general check ups and do not rely on your own wisdom but you can get to know your body, to know when things goes wrong or when things are falling aparts in your body system.

Personally, I love life and I cherish my health, good health is our heritage according to the word of God.
''And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose is seed in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.'' (Genesis 1:12)


Oladimeji said...

Food is life and antidote or solution to hunger. Food makes you independent of everyone especially if you can feed yourself and your family. Good and balanced food is equivalent to healthy living. God should please feed our mouths with wonderful and great food. Davids.

Queendaline Schneider said...

You are absolutely right sir. May God meets all our need in Jesus name. And we shall feed nation in in Jesus name.

Comfort Balbach said...

Nice and rich breakfast,thank God for the provision, i pray he pray that he provides for as many that dont have to eat. Good job girl��

Ene Jennifer said...

Very important topic,the kind of food we eat here in Nigeria is not helping issues at all.

Queendaline Schneider said...

Yes. Thanks be to God who made it possible. Amen in Jesus name.

Queendaline Schneider said...

I know right dear, it is well. Nigerians are not really interesting in Agriculture or farming, especially in Lagos. I think in the North part of Nigeria, they have more fresh vegetables and fruits. For instance, in Abuja.