Friday 20 March 2020

Spring is Here! Tips for Critical Social Distancing!

See This Time as a Gift: Tips for Social Distance

Wow! Spring is finally here, I am so excited for the change in season because I believe such a change in nature, will have a beautiful effect on all the people. Particularly at this time the world is undergoing crisis. There  is no room or reason to be depressed, see this time as an opportunity to appreciate life and to have a rethink of all the damages mankind has done on the surface of the earth and the neglect of cleanliness. 

How wonderful would it be! If only we can finds meaning in things or events that are beyond the control of humans imagination. By the way, we are all on this little rotating rock, called planet earth together and we have little or no clue of what is happening in our world today. The only thing we have in this wohle wide world, is each other. The only thing that is going to keep us away from the spirit of fear and the „isolation“ called social distances is each other. 

As we all know, that the spring time is a  flourishing  season for nature, as the earth puts on a green garment and flower blooms, I encourage you to enjoy the beauty.

However, this spring season offer you a precarious about the on going social distances due to the current crisis. For most people living at the country side, this is the best time for you to start your planting, go for a walk in the beauty of nature, ride your bike and do home sport with your family to keep fit and take a long walk in the forest. Free your soul from every form of stress and fear. 

Whenever, there is an outbreak of pandemic disease, there is always social unrest and fear but then we should not be carried away in the midst of all of these things. One of the Christian feast during the spring is the Easter celebration, as the Christians believe that  Jesus Christ was ressurected during the Easter period, no wonder the spring time  is a season of rebirth and rejuvenation, isn’t that wonderful? Yes it is, when we embrace life with gratitude to the Creator of all things. This is not the first pandemic and it might not be the last, but the next pandemic will be in the next 100 years again. The first influenza pandemic was in the 1918, where over 500 million people was infected by the virus and 50 million people died from the virus,´´ according, to CDC. ´´I think this is  humans error... because it is not the Will of God for anyone to be sick.´´ Said Mr Temi. He is a God, that is full of compassion.

Tips from queenscourt: Start your day by following the basic hygiene of hands washing with soap and warm water. 
Drink warm water with lime juice and a glass of orange juice because you need your daily recommendations of vitamin C. According to, everydayhealth, a daily recommendation of vitamin C for women and men is 75 to 90 milligrams... and it is always advisable to get your vitamins from your diet. Avoid crowded gathering, keep 2 meters distance from people.Stay home, if you don´t have any important things to do out there. Follow all the advice from World Health Organisation (WHO), CDC, and Health Care. Protect yourself and your family, whoever protects his or herself is protecting others. Everyone can do something, to stop the spread of this virus. To shout down the world for some months, might just be the best solution. There are no cure for virus infection, for now, maybe in the future... so your body is the best medicine to fight the virus, for those who are in good health and who have a strong immune system. 

Happy Springtime! and Stay Healthy.


Oladimeji said...

Thank you for the wonderful tips needed to move through the present global health crisis. They will be helpful for whosoever is prepared to make use of them. I appreciate your weaving through the holidays to the nature, it's creator, skillfully avoiding letting us into your religious belief because not everyone on your platform is a christian and bringing us to current pandemic and finally leading us out of it with those helpful tips. Thank you so much my friend. Well-done

Ene Jennifer said...

Perfectly written,thank you for the tips 💯💯💯

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for this wonderful tips.. People are really panicking around here instead of them to just take safety precautions and follow all the instructions listed..
Anyways this too shall pass by God's grace

Thanks for this insight

Obanuso said...

Ma, thanks for sharing this. Some religion institutions have complied with government order while others are yet to comply.

Brand Surgeon said...

Thank you. This will help keep Nigerians and those who read this blog updated on measures to take to avoid contact with Corona Virus.

Brand Surgeon said...

Thank you. This will help keep Nigerians and those who read this blog updated on measures to take to avoid contact with Corona Virus.

Unknown said...

This tips and insight right here is much needed for my sanity
Peopke are just panicking here over things they can't control instead of them to just focus on the safety precautions and how we can help ourselves by reducing the victims daily..

Queendaline Schneider said...

Thanks a million for your opinion sir and words of enlightened. Noted!

Queendaline Schneider said...

It is a pleasure dear. Thanks for stopping by here.

Queendaline Schneider said...

No panic, we should be fearless. There is nothing new under the sun anymore. This too will surely pass away...🙏🏼

Queendaline Schneider said...

United we shall stop the spread of the virus. That is why it is important for all the cooperates Organisation and institutions to work hand-in-hand with the government of each nation or country of the world. Shutdown is just the solution, let everyone stay at home for now...

Queendaline Schneider said...

I hope so sir. Thanks for stopping by here.

Queendaline Schneider said...

You just nailed right on the cross. 👍🙏🏼 No panic please. Be strong and follow all the precautions.