The battle of Verdun, It was the World War 1 that engaged the French, German and so on. It was one of the most bloodiest war in the human history. There was several casualties from both the French and the German, about 976,000 casualties, around 300,000 were killed and 1,250,000 suffered around the city during the war.

according to the statement made by one of the German General Erich Falkenhayn, ''Only France remains.'' he stated. He believed that the German would won or lost the war in France. On March 4th the Germans captured Douaumont village. The town was completely distroyed during the battle.
According to the wikipedia, In July 1916, the German offensive was reduced to reinforce the Somme front and from 23 June to 17 August, Fleury changed hands sixteen times. Early in July, a German attack on Fort Souville failed.The German offensive was reduced further and deceptions to keep French reinforcements away from the Somme were tried. In August and December, French counter-offensive recaptured much of the ground lost on the east bank and recovered Fort Douaumont and Fort Vaux. The battle had lasted for 303 days, the longest and one of the most costly in human history.
Poison gas was one of such weapon that was developed in the (1915-1916 ) and this was used again during the war and a lot of people died by this means.
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I think I heard about 6 million Jews were killed by Hitler during the world war 2 through gas poisoning and their remains were incinerated by the guys called Sondocommandos so the evil act won't be detected by humanity and the Sondocommandos were themselves eliminated while new ones were enlisted and so. Man's wickedness can't abate rather it will increase with much sophistication. But when a man comes to Christ, the evil seed in him will be destroyed by the Lord. Davids.
Oh yes sir. Crazy!
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