Saturday 14 January 2017

Why Do Successful People Believe in Self Belief ?

Why do most successful people says, 'believe in yourself'? I used to say that too before, and I have be advocating for 'Self Belief' until recently during one of my Quite Time; I heard a still voice saying to me why believe in yourself?

It is a good thing for us to have dreams and think big, but believing in yourself could be positive and negative. Dreams could be reffered to as one expectation of achieving great success. Which the bible is not against, for the scriptures says the expectation of the believer will not be cut off: which means if the righteous does not have any dreams or expectations it is very dangerious because God promises to give the righteous all his heart desires.

So in all your dreams or expectations be conscious of God as your helper and speak always positive things to yourself. When I was a child, I was in love with writing. For me, I knew even though I didn't go to school, I will still be a Writer. I believe in my God given Talent; I finished my elementary class in the year 1996, and I could'nt go to the High School due to my mother illness. My mummy was very sick, and the sickness leads to her death in 1997. I could'nt go to Secondary School until after three years of staying at home. When other children in my  neighborhood go to school I will locked myself up in the room and started reading the bible and my elder brother Text Books; after reading I will write a story from what I have read. Even when I fellowed my cousins to sell smoked-fish  at Iyana-Iba Market, I often go with my pen and paper to write down my story telling. At one point I wrote a lot of inspirational messages about life in my book, and I titled it 'My little book of happiness'.

I remember when one of my big cousin advised me to go and learn fashion designing; since there are no means of furthing my education, I said no that I want to go to school. Because I love education but in my humble opinion, I was believing in myself and trusting God for his provision. There is nothing wrong in trusting God, and having confidence in yourself but the moment you give too much self praise for all your achievements, is very dangerious.

Recently I read an article from one American Pastor on "You have to start believing in yourself more than you believe in God". That message actually shook my faith; Do God really exist? Is the bible story real or it is just imaginative story? What do I get if I believe in God? Why do those who believe in self belief are the most successful people in the world today? All these were the questions running through  my head.

I have always attended church services and when i'm confronted with false teachings, I go for more scriptures research:

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me"- Said Jesus Christ in the book of John 14:1

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding"- proverbs 3:5

"He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered"- proverbs 28:26

There are no any place in the bible that says, "Believe in yourself more than you believe in God", the book of Philippians says "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"- It is not a boast of self belief, Paul was confessing the power and authority of Christ through him. I remember at one time I was having a conversation with a friend and we spoke about believing in yourself, and my friend asked a question that I couldn't answer, "Do you think is because we prayed in the name of Jesus that made our prayer to be answered or because we believe in something". She said. I told her all I know is that God is real, and I believe that when I approach my life as a laborer in the vineyard and as a child of God he will directs my steps. It means when I do anything and I succeed it means God helps me: it is through God that I can do all things and I believe in him more than I believe in myself. Man will fail but God cannot fail.

However, belief is something powerful and that is why the bible says without faith no man can please God. And this applies also to human belief, that when we put our mind on something and believe in it we are likely to get what we want and this is where the 'Law of attraction' comes in but the question here now is; should we start believing in ourselves more than we believe in God? Should we remove our belief in God and replace it with the law of attraction and other rules that has worked for others?

Anyway, like I said earlier believing in yourself could be positive and negative; the positive side of it is when we learn to understand that God is our helper and do not boast of self belief. The negative side is when we replace God with our intelligence for all our achievements and this could also lead to the fall of man; for example, Adolf Hitler believe so much in himself, he became a messianic figure and have his own followers ( Nazi). Today, there are still few people alive from the Nazi era, and this people are growing more members... Another example, is Lucifer (Satan) he believe he could even do battle with The Almighty GOD. Self belief is pride, when you see people boasting of their achievements perhaps the pride of this world has blinded their mind.

Don't forget in all your getting, please get wisdom. I have said this before and I will say it again here, I don't believe in myself, because God is my belief. Without God the purpose of man existence will be in vain. Do you get?


Obanuso said...

we are expected to have faith in God and believe in what he can do through us. just as in the examples you have sited

Unknown said...

When we think we can do thongs ourselves due to our capabilities or intelligence then we fall, but when you give it all to God...telling God that he should take all control n b in charge, then have faith..everything will work in pleasant place

Queendaline Schneider said...

Yes dear. Indeed and words because faith without work is dead.

Queendaline Schneider said...

Yes dear. Thanks a bunch.