Saturday 24 December 2016

Christmas Traditions In Germany And Nigeria

Christmas is here again! My favourite part of the holiday is Christmas Festival. Christmas to me is a celebration, which includes spending time with my family, and shopping, for the people I love. 

I learned that Christmas is better celebrated with snow, as the snow signifies the cold season as it been described in the scripture that Jesus Christ was born during the cold season. I remember someone once asked me, how do we celebrate Christimas in Africa without the snow or cold winter, and my response was I didn't know that Christmas has something to do with snow. However, I have never see snow in Africa. While kids in Europe or America  play snowmen, Africa children play with sand.  My questioner said yes, because snow and Christmas often go together, and she can not image how Africa celebrate Christmas, that often she like it more to see snow on Christmas Day. 

Also, I get to know that there are more Christmas traditions in Europe or Germany than in Africa or Nigeria. For example, in Nigeria the people do not observe the four advent sundays, there is no St. Nicholars's Day, there are no Christmas market as it is here. And Santa Claus is called Father Christmas in Nigeria. The Father Christmas is often seen at trade centers or schools sitting somewhere and children go to him to get some gifts. 

Another thing that is different between Christmas celebration in Nigeria and in Germany is the food; in Nigeria the special food on Christmas day is Rice and Chicken stew with salad or with some special traditional food such as, pounded yam and egusi soup. Pounded yam is similar to the German Kartoffeln Püree. And egusi soup made with grounded melon seed, and cook with cow meat and Pepper. 

People celebrate christmas differently, for instance in Nigeria, some family celebrate Christmas by going to church, cooking big pot of rice and chicken stew to entertain their neighbours, and visitors on that day, and poor beggers on the street. In some part of Nigeria some children go from house-to-house to get candy, food and little gift inform of cash from their friends and family. This brings joy to the children and it really fun for them. 

Also, in Nigeria people celebrate Christmas with a lot of firecrackers/fireworks they throw firecrackers at every conner of the streets and it often loud. Sometime people have to call on police to stop them, as some criminals also use this as opportunity to steal.I don't really like the firecrackers as I was hurt once when someone threw that on me. Unlike in Germany where fireworks is only allow on the 31st of every December, in Nigeria the people start fireworks/firecrackers from November till January and it is very loud and crazy. Speaking with Ademola Tistus about the Christmas festival in Nigeria this year, he said that the Christmas this year is different that is just quite, as the recession is real affecting them. There is no money to eat, drink and therefore most people has no money to buy firecrackers to throw but maybe they will throw some on Christmas Day and the new year eve. 

In Nigeria many families usually throw a big parties that will last all night, especially in Lagos Island where the people like fun.
Nigeria do not celebrate Christmas or exchange gift on the 24th but Nigeria celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December and gifts and every other thing is been done on this day. And the 26th of December is known as the boxing day; on 26th people usually party and hang out with friends, the beach resort is usually full at this time of year the including the cinamas in Nigeria. 

In Nigeria what I really like is the Christmas Carol in church, drama or movies to reflect the birth of Jesus Christ, because Christmas is said to be the birth's of Jesus Christ and as we all know that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Make up the foundation of christianity. Although, the bible did not record the extact date of Jesus birth, but all over the world Christmas is been celebrate on 25th of December this is the day Jesus is claimed to be born.

However, Christmas celebration in Germany is absolutly different from Christmas in Nigeria. One of the big part of Christmas celebrations in Germany is Advent. Such as, the Advent calendars, Advent candles. The Advent candles is a ring of fir branches that has four candles on it. One candle is lit at the beginning of each week of the Advent. The Advent is observe in four sundays before Christmas. Also the Christmas Markets is well known in Germany here all sort of Christmas foods and decorations are been sold.

There is also what is called Christ Child- the Christ child has nothing to do with baby Jesus. The Christ child is often described as a young girl with Christ like character. This tradition often takes place in Nümberg where a young girl is chosen every year to participate in a parade wearing white and gold dress with a crown. She carry out a lot of duties on this day such as, offically opens the Christmas market on Friday before Advent starts. She visit the hospitals, the old people's homes, grant TV interviews and visit other places.

The St. Nicholas's Day is between 5th-6th December, Nicholas
comes in the night and give children sweets. Another Christmas tradition in Germany is the star singers. They go from house to house singing a song and collect money for charity purpose. 

This is mainly done by catholic- four children, three who dress up like the Wise men and one carries a star on a stick as a symbol for the Star of Bethlehem. After which they finished singing, they write a sign with a chalk over the door of the house. The sign is written in a special way, for example 2017 would be: 20*C*M*B*17. 

Unlike in Nigeria where rice and chicken stew is the main Christmas meal, in Germany goose are often served for the main Christmas big dinner on the 25th or 26th. I have also learned in Germany, that spending Christmas with our family is very important. We usually gather on 24th night, which is known as the holy evening in my mother-in-law house for the exchange of gifts and the 26th is the Christmas family dinner.

Decorating for Christmas is so much fun for me in Germany; I decorate the inside with the Christmas tree and lighting. Although, they are real Christmas tree in Germany but we always use the artificial tree. Personally I enjoy shopping, as it makes me happy. I love going to the mall, all the mall and stores are so beautifully decorated in Germany. Also I go to different towns and cities to visit a Christmas Market every year. However, my favourite Christmas traditions is the Advent period.

I was invited to a Christmas party this year by the Buschmänn NGO in Adamslust Frankenthal, to talk on difference between "Christmas in Nigeria and Christmas in Germany," it was a nice time to shared my experience with the people because I have celebrated four Christmas in Germany and I can boldly say there is a lot of different. I really do I enjoy each Christmas in Germany because it is a Quiet Time. This is a time to reflect on our Lord Jesus Christ and to talk more about him, not time for crazy fun. My thought! 

These are some of the German Christmas tradition that I have learned over the years I have lived here. Happy Christmas Nigeria! And frohe Weihnachten Deutschland!

K-Town shopping Mall. 

Ludwigshafen City Hall Shopping Center. 

Mannheim Christmas Market 
Mannheim Train Station 

Sally Rausch Real Christmas Tree 

Mannheim Christmas Market 

Green Town City Christmas Tree 

Mannheim Fashion House Christmas Decoration 


Unknown said...

Merry Christmas..... May this Christmas brings you and your family more blessing..... Happy new year in advance...🎄🌲

Sa said...

Merry merry Christmas and God blessings .. lovely Christmas article

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