Saturday 24 September 2016

Under What Condition Should a Christian Consider Divorce

Marriage is a lifetime union as it was ordained from the beginning. The institution of marriage is as old as the creation of man himself. God created marriage for the purpose of companionship. It doesn't mean 
everyone has to be married in order to fulfill their life purpose or to be happy. God has called some to be single (1 Cor. 7:7-9) and others to be married. Companionship implies for marriage to be an intimate relationship but it doesn't mean everyone will be married. Unfortunately a lot of christians are living in bondage because of sin. 
Godly unions bear witness of what God originally planned for marriage to be: To have a relationship with Him. 

In our society today, many have been trapped in wrong unions. Mostly as a result of their marriages not being under the solid foundation which is Christ. It has therefore led many to lose hope and faith in God.
It is of no sin to marry an unbeliever but the consequences of wrong unions lead to broken marriages. 

"But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him"- 1 Corinthians 7:12-13). Apostle Paul is advising us through this verse to not divorce the unbelievers we got united with. But to instead dwell with them by choice. 

Displeasing marriage scenarios: (Scenarios 1);

A young man has an accident and as a result, loses his manhood. Few years later, travels to another country and marries a teenager that He takes back to His hometown.
Few years later, the teenager feels unsatisfied due to the lack of intimacy in their relationship. This leads to the getting pregnant with another mans child. Although it was a cased that disturbed their marriage, forgiveness settled in as the man welcomed back his wife and adopted her child.

Scenario 2; A man addicted to pornography and masturbation marrying a young Christian woman with whom he ends up not having any intimacy. 15 years of marriage without intimacy. The woman is currently approaching menopause.

Scenario 3; A man undergoing a vasectomy procedure. Which is a type of sterilization (the cutting and sealing of part of each vas deferens (the duct that conveys sperm from the testicle to the urethra)
After a vasectomy is processed, sperm cannot move out of the testes. and therefore leads to sterility.
Unfortunately, many men have undergone these procedures without letting their fellow future partners know. This has sadly led many women in Germany as an example, to live indecent and worldly lifestyles such as, affairs with men who could satisfy and help them procreate life. 
In reviewing all these scenarios, let us ponder on which cases would generate in divorces according to the Bible.

Most christians may disagree on whether the Bible allows divorces and re-marriages, but personally, I like to believe that the only Biblical grounds for divorce is adultery. The question is: if the only reason to why, one should fight for divorce is adultery, and people are committing adultery and still stay in their marriages because of their fears of judgements;According to the book of (Matthew 19:6) divorce is equivalent to adultery. Sin has eaten up the institution of marriages today because of wrong unions. 
Do people know that I.V.F could also be considered as a sin?
 For it involves mastubartion to generate the sperm that is needed for the IVF or Insemination procedure. 

Why don't people opted for adoption in place of IVF? 

Why don't couples opt for divorce in place of continuous adultery?

Why don't religious leaders seek the face of God, to help them make or give a ground advice to all these victims. The book of first Corinthians 7:11-13 teaches us to understand that the apostles in those days where making a decree according to what was happening at that time. But the story is different today. Some men of God teach with the wisdom of men and claim "thus say the Lord" by fear of losing congregation members.

Why is divorce a common sin? And adultery is now increasingly on a daily basis. However, it is not as if most adulterers end up with their cheating lovers. So why do so many people risk their marriage for the sake of a fleeting affair of a short moment? Anyway, if we hope to get all the satisfaction and everything we need for a 'happy marriage', and lasting relationships we are more likely to feel that our partner is not good enough when we are not getting what we want or desire. 

I had a telephone conversation with a friend few days ago, and while discussing on the level of adultery in our society today, she said to me that "some people believe adultery is not a sin until you are caught in the act"... And I began to wonder what about the Ten Commandments? It is such a shame for us to abuse grace, base on the story of a woman caught in the act of adultery in the bible. I question the wisdom of christian who continue in sin because we are now living under grace. Did it Jesus says to us, "Go and sin no more...." Since grace offers in forgiveness, it also empowers us to live a new life. And now we press on the question why should christian divorce, whenever there is reason for divorce. 

My conclusion is, people should  seek Gods face first before seeking a relationship with someone they like. Especially before getting married, for our lord hates divorces and it's hard to get the right advice when in doubt. It is better to remain single and have a good relationship with God, than to end up in the wrong union. 



Sa said...

Deep ( something to reflect on and learn from) .... This article I will keep reading all over again ... 🙌🏾🙌🏾🌺🌺🌹🌹

Unknown said...
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Joshua Ebiniyi said...

So educating! But to my own perspective I don't think adultery shoud not be an excuse to divorce because if Jesus could forgive a woman who committed adultery so I don't see any reason why we can't forgive adultery in marriage

Unknown said...

Really, interesting God shud forgive every living soul

Obanuso said...

Love and forgiveness are the two legs that link the deserts of divorce and loneliness to the haven of marital bliss. The only cure for love disease is love itself.

Obanuso said...
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Unknown said...

everything in life is very complicated especially this love and marriage of a thing....God shld forgive us fr our sins n mk life easier for us to live

Obanuso said...

Love and forgiveness are the two legs that walk couple from the desert of divorce to the haven of marital bliss. Just like in the song of the afro beat legend, Fela "if water choke you, na water be the cure" if love fail you, love is still the solution. Hatred or divorce is not an option

Oladapo thoheed said...

Devil love to destroy wonderful home, if this happen just pray,God will surely forgive us

Oladapo thoheed said...
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Skylin World said...

Even while Jesus was trying to explain how complicated divorce could be, one of his disciples concluded by saying; if divorce is that difficult then it is better not to marry at all.

Queendaline Schneider said...

Skylin World, thanks for this comment. I'm inspired! Could you please tell us name of the disciples? I'm curious🤔...

Skylin World said...

The names of the disciples are: Peter, James and John who were with Jesus during his transfiguration

Queendaline Schneider said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks Queen for putting this together, I strongly agree with your point of view, if our TV and Radio or the mass media in general take out time to educate people in this way, the level of ignorant of putting marriage in front will reduce, marriage is not a yardstick to happy life, two people coming together to be one should really be one, but instead of them been one they term to be one and half, why would a man hide his sickness and get married to a woman? Why would a woman pretended to love a man knowing fully well that she does not? Marriage shouldn't be a force or pretence, it should be mutual and not a life sentence.

Keep the good work on Queendaline.

favor adekunle james said...

wow, God helping us... As a matter of fact, there is no condition to get out according to the bible standard, immediately you say yes i do. And i have a pastor who will always say, it is better you undo it before you say yes i do, if not you are going into eternal war.

Queendaline Schneider said...

Thanks for your wonderful contributions Nurudeen Owodunni. Hmmmm my dear Favor Adekunle James but Jesus said that only on the cases of adutery should anyone divorce his/her wife/husband??? Or not? Matthew 19:9...

Betterlife Is About Beauty said...

I don't see anything wrong with divorces. On cases of adultery if both parties have irreconcilable difference, its best they have a divorce and work on being friends. In cases of abuses its best to file for divorce. But first it's always good to start any relationship on the fertile land of GOD.

Queendaline Schneider said...

@Betterlife is about the beauty, you just nailed it🙌🏻.

Korede titus said...

You never can tell oo
If a Christian should marry under condition there is a probability of divorce....and that's why God has always told us to pray but this days Christians marry 4 benefit..

Timmy said...

Well a good educating article about adultery, to my own perspective I believe that many go into adultery not only because their partner do not satisfy them, but also that many people have engaged themselves in premature sex life like formication, formication in the heart, masturbation, rape, pornography and so on and because of these youthful immorality, some look for what we satisfy them by their carnal mind and nature built already in them and thereby to get what to satisfy marital life is not actualised even such fellow may be born again or not, but until such fellow mortify and crucify those nature of flesh, have a relationship with God and seek the face of God for a marital life, if not such would marry and wouldn't be satisfy and would obey the deeds of the flesh in commuting adultery.

Queendaline Schneider said...

Thanks dear.