Sunday 5 June 2016

Why Do People go to Church

Today as I was prepared to go to the church; something speaks to me, why do people go to church? I tried to ignored the thought, because I don't know why such thought on a Sunday morning. But when I got to the church, The Preacher's Sermon was same as my thought.

The message read: "Was bedeutet es zur Kirche zu gehen"- Martinskirche  meaning: (why do people go to church). The spirit of God bears witness; The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.- Roman 8:16

As Christians, church attendance is of high regard, because it is a place we can all come together to worship, for word of encouragement, and learn from God's words for our spiritual growth, with the power to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

As a believer, we have to fellowship with our brethen in the Lord; I grew up attending Church services or programs. My earliest memories are times when I fellowed my family to the C&S (Cherubim and Seraphim) Church in Nigeria and after my mother's death in 1997, in 1998 I had a dream and a loud voice that speaks to me in the dream to go to The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

The Redeemed Christain Church of God is a Pentecostal church in Nigeria, and it was founded in the year 1952 by the late Pa Josiah Akindayomi. And now it being governed by Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye since 1981-date.

I do not know about RCCG, until my dream; so the following morning I visited one of my cousin, Omorenike Ebiniyi by name. She is my first cousin so we share the same surname. When I got the family house I called Morenike out from the room, then I asked her if she know any church call Redeemed Church, but she said that she don't know, that she hasn't heard of such name before. Then she said there seems to be a new church in town now maybe you should visit there. So the following Sunday I went to the Rock Villa College and inside of the School there was a church using one of the school's hall and that was one of the branches of RCCG 'Holiness Parish'. That was how I became member of the church. I joined the church as Teenager so I was member of the Teen church; with the Pastor's children and other Teenagers we formed a group called 'The Ecclesiates Dancers'- led by sister Funmilayo Akinjola.

During my teenage years, I was attending the church services  regularly. When I relocated to Germany, I met people who aren't regular attenders and those who are no more part of the church for various reasons, it's a surprise to find out that even though Christianity is the culture of the Europeans, but some of them don't know why they have to be a part of the church. One of the
German's famous quotes is"Christentum ist die Leitkultur in Europa". Meaning "Christianity is the Leading Culture in Europe".  There is a lot of beautiful churches in Germany, but you don't get to see most christians in Germany often in the Church Service on Sunday, only on a special occasion.

Why go to church? It is God's will for christians to fellowership together in one place for the edifying of the body of Christ. "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exthorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching"(Hebrews 10:25). Do forget our faith grow more stronger when we hear or share the word of God. The word of God is alive and it brings delieverance and healing to those in need of it.

What is the benefit of attending the church regularly? According to the text from Hebrews, the early church, were at the verge of falling into the temptation of not meeting  together, Hebrews 10:25, is just a warning for brethen not to forget to meet together in order to encouraged each other in the Lord. And going to church helps us to be prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ. And we have to live our lives according to the word of God; it is when our faith connect with the word of God, that it grows. Our greatest benefit is heaven.

Finally, as a believers, we should be a positve and a good models to the world; going to church bring us more closer to God. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord"- Colossians 3:16.

My testimony; if I didn't go to RCCG church, i might not be where i am today. It was after attending one of the anointing service of the Regional Evangelist Pastor J.T Kalejaiye which was held at one of the RCCG parish 'soul winner cathedral' in Festac town, Amuwo-Odofin Local Government Lagos Nigeria. During the program something happened, that is another story' Don't get it wrong here, the pastor didn't pray for me and I did not fall under any anointing like some people will claimed but something happened...

Go to church and win a soul for Christ. God bless you.

Queendaline Schneider. 


Betterlife Is About Beauty said...

Being in his presence brings so much peace

Timmy said...

WOw that's a good testimony from you ma, I also attend redeemed also and it has not been a regret going to there but I support the fact that even for so many believers and church goers it necessary that they know why it needed to go to church, apostle Paul said that we should not forsake the gathering of the brethren, which means we should learn to look after each other by gathering together for in such doing we would be able to teach other what it needed for us to grow, what is needed for us to overcome life and challenges, what is needed for our souls to be refreshed and to also learn to show ultimately the true love of Christ that has bond us together, also the bible said in psalms that how good is the gathering of the saint it like a precious ointment upon Aaron head down to his beard and down to his skirt and the last verse there said we shall be bless in mount zion , which means churches are built for the gathering of the saint in order for us to receive anointing that will make us break forth in life, for so many times man fall into bondages and when will come together the lord send His anointing to break yokes for in His presence there is liberty and joy forever more.

Queendaline Schneider said...

You both are so amazing. Thanks for your comments always.

Korede titus said...

From my own point of view I think going to church is not faith but it's by your heart of worship...