Wednesday 29 June 2016

The Role of Students in Moving Nigeria Forward

Student as we all know are refered to as the leaders of tomorrow. In our great nation Nigeria, we find 
that every child wants to go to school because that child believes that he or she has a part to play in our nation and the world in general. 

A child who has that desire to attend school should not be put aside but should be encouraged and helped to achieve whatever goal that he or she aims at. So then as students, what role can we play in moving our nation forward?

Each student has the ability to lead and to teach. We are all endowed with a brain that works far more than that of a super computer but how will develop it matters a lot. A student who is intelligent and brilliant who spends all his or her time with friends who are not intellectually ok i.e (who are not as brilliant and intelligent as himself) will in effect become a dullard. Take for example, A boy who is a striaght, a student that gets P or F in his examination will be called or termed to be unserious with his studies, so students need to be serious with their studies in order to become great in life and help in 
moving our nation forward. 

Also how will a student be serious when that student finds it hard to prepare for the Teachers: i.e (before the teachers comes to the class the student must have gone over his previous lessons to see if there are anything that he needs to comprehend, if he has any questions he should approach the teacher to explain better so as for him/her to be able to assimilate what he/she has been taught). 

If we as students become serious with our studies, then we find it easier to relate with people where ever we find ourselves. However, our nation will be filled with knowledgeable people. No longer would we need someone else to fill in the space of nuclear scientist, or an engineer etc. We would all be intelligent people. 

So as students we will then be able to make our nation great. For those who are science student; we will help in producing better drugs that will cure a lot of diseases plauging our country, for those who are art or social sciences we can become better lawyers, accountants. BUT ALL THESE WILL COME OUR WAY IF ONLY WE FACE OUR STUDIES SQUARELY. 

This article was written in 2003, by Banke Oregbemi (from Ojo Model College) for the publication of my Magazine which I tittled then; "Taking Nigeria to a Greater Height". 

Who would have thought that after a decades of struggle to published my Magazine by contributing my own quota to the nation development, my country (Nigeria) is still in hell of mess as a nation. 

Nigeria is the most corrupt country on earth. According to Transparency International, which monitors international financial corruption, Nigeria is 172 worst enough among the 215 nations surveyed. 

Do forget, Nigeria is sitting on crude oil, as estimated at 35 billion barrels (which is enough to fuel the entire world for a period of one year), alongside, over 100 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Yet my people are considered to be among the poorest nation in the world. A country that her legislators salaries can pay some president in the world. The Nigeria legislators basic wage is £ 122,000, and yet they are no good Doctors and Engineers in the country. Struggling with a sick economy and a failed instrastucture and failed governance. 

Corruption in Nigeria is endemic because 70% of the people are engaged in act; from students bribing teachers to pass examination, office gate keeper taking bribe from graduates seeking employment in the company, to policemen taking money from those who do not have a driving documents. Religion leaders are not left out, as some of them give fake prophency to the politicians just to trap them and take some huge amount of money from them in return as a Prophet seed. 

The question is not who make Nigeria great or forward: whether the country is ruled by civilians or soldiers, who claimed to eradicate corruption, but yet no difference. Everyone can make the country great because greatness is inside all of us. As a student weren't taught of the problem facing our country in school, we manages to finished from school and now face with hardship. It is certainly a shame for a country rich in natural resources to be paying its graduates less than £ 200 (50,000 naira) a month. Only in Nigeria doctors earning so low. Some doctors salaries in Nigeria is below £ 300 monthly. 

I am not surprised when I got a shocking video yesterday via whatsaap of a Nigerian woman who prays hard  against any government officials who travells abroad to receive medical treatment to die. It show the level of the frustration of the citizen. Who are not happy with the situation of things in the country. 

As students we are to think on how to make our country great again. We should look for solution to solve our problems. I am thinking... 

Queendaline Schneider. 


Timmy said...

Well, I think for every head there is a good brain but to what is the brain working towards to or being channelled to, every student has the ability to be great and to do well but it first depend on whether each students in the country has in mind to develop the nation in one aspects or the other, even though the background, environment and influence of all means has affected the view of things by many students so they felt they can't affect the change but rather find a means of survival and so is the trends. I would only suggest that education should be the basics for all children born in the country, each school should have counsellors who finds out the passion of each students so as to channel it on time and the values of good characters, habits, beliefs should be impacted to all the student throughout their studies in school be it primary, secondary and tertiary. I strongly believe a good foundation is what we need so as to our beliefs in making impacts andand quotas of moving the nation forward. Femi oyeleye

Queendaline Schneider said...

Femi Timmy, brilliant comment. I enjoy reading your comments always. Thanks for your comments.

Timmy said...

Thank God ma