Thursday 12 May 2016

Our Marriage Has No Peace"- Titilayo Adams

The relationship stories I get on a daily basis is becoming the huge part of my life; as I continue to pounder if most of the stories, are really happening... But off course i have a reliable source and is of no doubt, that this ugly situations are really turning the marriage institute, to a bitter experience. 
God is love and God ordained marriage to be a paradise on earth for couples. Marriage is a beautiful thing if we allow God to come in and rule our life and home.

Tony and Titilayo, got married on the 5th of April, 2010. And they have both cried out, that their marriage has been on fire since after their honeymoon in Paris. The first night they spent in their home after they returned from their honeymoon resulted in an argument the next morning. The quarrel that lead to them destroying their wedding album, and a lot of their properties. Whenever they had a misunderstanding Titilayo will move her things back to her parents' home and stay with them pending when her husband comes to apologize to her.

Despite the fact, that Tony and Titilayo have  been married for over five years, they still quarrel for reasons even they cant explain. Their constant arguments and quarrels will make Titilayo sleep on the Sofa whenever she couldnt go to her family house, Moreso when it is in the middle of the night. Titilayo had miscarriages on two occasion Based on the Consistent quareles. 
Titilayo loves her husband and she just wants to be with him no matter what happens.
Both parents who have been interceding on behalf of their children, they really wanted to know why the marriage had no peace, perhaps they are not meant to be together. So they decided to invite the couple to find out the reason for their constant quarrel, which has also caused Titilayo to loose two pregnancies.

They asked, why they quarreled and it resulted in them calling themselves names and destroying their properties as well. And why they burned their picture album etc. All these has been happening for over 5 years and they continued to come back to themselves. Why can't they fight for divorce to end their marriage, if they feel they are not compatible as husband and wife?  All these were the suggestive questions by both parents, since they felt maybe, the couple did  not really love themselves.

Titilayo started to cry as she explained in her own words "I love you T-boy, and you know it, but I can't understand why I have to keep seeing you as a monster who is always  threatening to kill me in my dreams and that really scares the living day light out of me whenever we are together".

Then Tony in his sober reflection said "I don't think this is only your problem, it's our problem together because since we moved to this house after our honeymoon i have been dreaming that you are having an affair with Mr Mario our Landlord's son"...

Obviously, both of them have been having strange or bad dreams that almost tore their home apart. After  both couples have explained their problems to their parents; in the course of the family meeting. It was clear, that the couple needed  divine intervention since their problem seems to be associated with some spiritual elements (dream).

Despite their challenges, the couple really wanted their marriage to work out. They both love each other, but they did not know what to do. Now they have started undergoing some counseling and praying sessions, they have also asked their parents and well wishers to join them  pray.

Finally, there are no perfect marriages or home anywhere in the world. There will always be ups and downs in marriages,  until we learn to see each other as a person and to love each other more. We shouldn't forget the fact that we are  from different backgrounds and we had different up bringing or the fact that we are from different races. We just need to tolerate and trust each other. Above all, we should pray fervently.

"And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quitetness and assurance for ever"- Isaiah 32:17

Queendaline Schneider

1 comment:

Timmy said...

Hmmm what a pathetic story, I believe any marriage that has not taken its roots in Christ would be shaken and would always fall, the issue with this couples shows that during their time of courtship they never invested in enough prayers which could have avert the intervention of darkness after their marriage and I see that their backgrounds have not been well tackled with as the devil is not interested in them being married and I tell you that marriage would be blissful if only they can agree together to fight in prayer and via the word of God, something great awaits them in their marital institution but what they forget to do before they need to start doing it now. God is the director of the institution, He is able to annihilate their afflictions, all they need is each other support, bring their love together in prayers, create genuine love for themselves afresh, and put their trust solely in God.