Thursday 7 April 2016

The Danger Of Gossip

According to wikipedia, "Gossip is idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others; the act is also known as dishing or tattling. "
A gossiper is someone who reveals or tells the secrets of friends, families or acquaintances to other persons.
"Gossipmonger; someone who enjoys talking about other people and their private lives"-
However, the act of gossiping involves two or more people for it to be called gossiping. 1.The gossiper and 2. The listener of the scandal monger. Some people don't even know they are gossiping perhaps  they know it But they don't care.
Gossipers often have a way of finding or nosing for information,  they come as a friend if they are not one, but their motive is to get details of you and share it with people who don't need to know anything about you. Be careful of the person you share your weakness with, because a Gossiper Can Use The Information, against you.

1). Slander (defamation) is any verbal or written word that has to do with spreading rumors or fabricating lies about a person or group of people. (The written form of it is libel).

2). Sowing/planting seeds: this type of gossip is often said in such a manner, that will make the listener conceive notions or assumptions about a particular character. This can also be carried out by telling a person, that  what you heard (While Snooping Around For Information) is similar to the person's character. When you tell a person what was said in their absence, and you are not even sure if actually they were talking about that particular person, but based on your intent/feeling you pass the information to this person you feel the information is about, Probably because the character in the story told to you has similarities. you have done nothing but sown a seed of scorn in the heart of the person.
For example, if a Prophet or a Pastor uses a character to pass his message across to his congregation and then the next thing you do is call a member of the same church who wasn't present during the service, you go on, by saying you feel the pastors message during his ministrations, is about the person; you have just sown a seed of scorn. Because if the person you share the information with does not have the spirit of God he/she will hate or dislike the Pastor for no good reason.

Note: A Prophet or Pastor has the right to preach on any character, because it is their duty and service to humanity. If a character is ungodly, he has the right to call the person to order before it is too late. Why do I say this? The reason is not far fetched, God sent Prophets throughout history to guide and warn His people.  So therefore, the Pastors have the right to talk about any act of indiscipline in the body of Christ without any apology. Though the Pastor doesn't have to mock or ridicule a person or  their congregation while doing so.
"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him" (Deuteronomy 18:18-19). The Prophet or Pastor has been given the authority to speak to their followers.

We are in a  generation where sin has become the tradition of christians. By the way, why should a christian gossip or slander his/her fellow sister and brother in the Lord. And when you try to correct them they say it does not matter, there is nobody they don't talk about. For me, it matters because it is written "You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people, and you shall not stand up against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord" Leviticus 19:16
We have to call for mercy concerning all the churches where gossip has eaten deep. Gossip has separated a lot of people from the churches in Germany and other parts of the world. Pastor and Prophets, in agreement with every member of the congregation, even  believers must pray against the SPIRIT OF GOSSIP. 

"Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off: him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I suffer (Psalm 101:5).
"And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not" (1Timothy5:13). There are a lot of scriptures both in the old and new testament that warns us against slandering or tattleing.  As a christian we are to live our lifes according to the bible. Jesus is our role model and we are to live like Christ. Sometimes, our life could be the only bible some people will read in this world so we should be a good example.
Sometime ago, I started to run away from people who slander their neighbors, because most times, all they do is take part of a discussion, the part they really want you to hear and tell you just that bit, so at this point you don't have a complete picture of the entire conversation, instead what you have is a bias peice, from a gossips mouth. if you are not in the spirit you will end up listening to the gossip and say something terrible in return about the other character.

SOLUTION TO GOSSIP: The first solution will be for you to avoid telling others about yourself also avoid telling other peoples problems to others, If they have trusted you enough to confined in you.
Note: Before you choose your Elizabeth (A Trust Worthy Confidant) who you can confine in, Please pray very well about it.
Secondly: if anyone comes to you or calls you to gossip about someone with you, ask the person if you can ask the the character involved, if he/she says no then something is'nt right somewhere.
"But let your communication be, Yea, yea: Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil" (Matthew 5:37). Jesus adviced us to keep our communication simple and straight to the point.
However, the danger of gossiping is that it leaves a lasting taste of anger, bitterness, grudge, malice, even hatred to the affected person. Because each time you see or hear that people are gossiping about you it creates the feeling of insecurity and low self esteem. So be mindful of the information you pass to another.
Let me stop here before I end up writing a book on gossipping.

Further scriptures that talks on gossip:
Proverbs 16:28, Luke 12:3, James 4:17, Matthew 10:26-27, Proverbs 21:24, Colossians 3:8, James 5:9, proverbs 11:12-13

Thanks for stopping by at my blog, and reading this piece. I am also guilty of this sin of gossipping and I pray God has mercy on me and everyone who has gossiped  ignorantly in the past as we all consciously turn a new leave.

Note: I never knew, the gravity of gossips until I came to Germany. whenever someone says something bad about others I feel so hurt and keep fighting the information I just heard in my spirit. While the Gossiper is probably having a good night's rest. Not Anymore,  Now i am a free person because I have the boldness to question whoever, tries to gossip about others to me.
Don't talk just write, Don't talk just read and again I say Don't talk, just think and pray.

Written by Queendaline Angelina Schneider. 


Unknown said...

Gossiping is a bad act that one need to always always avoid it

Queendaline Schneider said...

Seriously... Thank you for your comments.