Wow! And how beautiful to see the end of the year.In few hours it will be already 2018. It going to be big party or celebration all over the Globe.
It is not a wonder, that we all have different cultural backgrounds but it makes us to see the diversity of other people´s cultures and their beautiful heritages.
The New Year Tradition in Nigeria is quite different from the New Year Tradition in Germany. Nevertheless, this may applied to the Christians and Non-Christians in Nigeria. The New Year celebration is the only festival that is been celebrated by all the ethnic group in Nigeria because Nigeria is a multicultural society. It is celebrated by the traditions of both religions. New Year´s Day, which is celebrated in Nigeria on January 1st, is one of the most important festival that is celebrated in all the 36 States of Nigeria.
The most important Tradition is the New Year Eve, which is on December 31st- on this particular day, all the Christians family will gather in the church from 10:pm to offer their praise and thanksgiving to God and the muslims family gather in mosques, while the Idos worshipers offer prayer to their gods. All the people offer their prayers at the stroke of 12 midnight. Prayers of good health, good luck, and prosperity in the coming year.
The New Year, is also believed as a time when the Almight God will answer prayers, so the people offer prayers of; growth, good health, prosperity, peace, joy and happiness. This prayer is not only offer in the chuches or mosques but the people pray anywhere they are, at home, even on the streets and they pray very loud. I'm sure if I try to pray so loud on the street in Germany I will be arrested by the police for disturbing other people. (SMILE). At 12 midnight after the prayers people will start to shouting HAPPY NEW YEAR! HAPPY NEW YEAR! HAPPY NEW YEAR...! With loud voices. After which the people will return to their various homes to continue the celebration.
Some Nigerians do not leave their home on the first day of the year, which is 1st of January because they believe it is dangerous to go out on this day, because of some evil forces..., so the people stay at home and eat nice meal with their family.
Another New Year Tradition, some Christians bring all their salaries for the month of January to the church, as their first fruit offering to God.
In some parts of Nigeria, the Non-Christians also celebrate the New Year festival with Masquerade party. The Masquerade comes out in different costumes and masks. It is believed that the Masquerade are spiritual beings on earth, who has the power to remove evils from the face of the earth. So during the New Year, they come out in animal or scaring costumes, they perform some ritual dance on the streets, it is believed that the Masquerade dance will bring peace, prosperity and good luck into the lives of the people. One of such Masquerade Party on the New Year's Day is the ''Offrima.''
Some Nigerians also, practice what is called ''New Year, New System-'' Meaning they have to give all their old things away and put on a new personality. They wear new cloths, new shoes, and have a new hair cut. This is means old things are gone with the last year and everything shall become new in the coming year.
Finally, the youths also, celebrate the New Year by partying in the night clubs, restaurants, street carnivals, beach parties and resorts centres.
New Year celebration is a big event in Nigeria. Every corner of major town and cities sing aloud popular music like; Fuji, Hip hop, Reggae, Juju and so on. The people dance with the happiness that they have seen the New Year and with hope of better life in the coming year. If you ever find yourself in Africa (Nigeria) during the festive season, do not miss the New Year celebration. It is really fun!
Happy New Year to all of YOU my readers and PEACE to the world!
This blog is created towards projecting issues affecting our everyday living; News, Events, Culture, Lifestyle, Relationship, Inspiration, and Health care, etc with the hope of informing, educating and entertaining for a better society.
Sunday, 31 December 2017
New Year Tradition In Nigeria And Germany

Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Why Nigerians Studying Abroad Are On Increase
Most time, the public secondary schools and universities go on strike for various reasons and this is one of the major challenges for students in Nigeria. This is why there is more brain drain, as many Nigeria students who traveled overseas to study, never returns to their own country. In the past, Nigeria education program use to be one of the best in Africa and most of her students can compete favorably with Europeans students. For example, people like Professor Wole Yinka, Chinua Achebe, or even Adebayo Ogunlesi of the Mr Trump cabinet; Adebayo had his early education in Nigeria at Kings College before leaving the country to study abroad.
Speaking with Nurudeen Owodunni, an international education consultant. He is the founder of Glide Global Consult, his firm represents universities abroad and he provides services for students in Nigeria who are genuinely traveling for the purpose of education, he makes reference to the media press of the Nigeria minister of education, during the past President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. Professor Ahmed Rufai, the ex- Minister of education stated in her press release that about 1.9 millions Nigerians sat for the UTME examination, which was the entrance examination for admission into the Nigeria‘s tertiary colleges and universities but she emphased that both the colleges and universities in the country can only admit six hundred thousand (600,000), students leaving about 1.3 millions students out of school. What a disturbing statistic!
´´The system of education in Nigeria is seriously deteriorating because the government and the citizens has not really changed the old conception about education. There is a big different between going to school for the certificates and going to school for knowledge. ´´Many Nigerians are going to school to obtain degree certificates and not going to school for knowledge, the reason for this aberration is not far fetched. The demands for certificates is at the forefront to any employment procedures in Nigeria. Everybody just want to go to school and obtain the degree certificate.ˋˋ He added.
He also talks about the effect of foreign education on Nigeria students. He stated in his words that instead of the foreign education helping Nigeria, it’s the reverse we see- brain drain our citizens.
Despite all the stress some students go through in Africa (Nigeria), some of them still can’t secure a good job after graduating from the college or university. Many ended up, establishing small businesses or taking the job different from their professional careers.
All these and many more compound the frustration of parents and consequently forcing the rich ones to send their children abroad for a sound and effective education.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017
A Visit To The Historical Palace Of Versailles
King Louis XIV, feature the hall of mirror in the Palace of Versailles and the constructure had began in (1678). The king idea for the mirror hall was to make the hall exclusive and imaginary bigger view of the hall. At that time, mirrors were said to be very expensive but for the King it does not matter; as each arch contains twenty-one mirrors with a total of 357 used in the decoration of the palace galerie. However, the hall of mirrors became very famous for its uniqueness. The hall of mirrior was originally lit with candles and the light from candles reflection, reflect light back into the rooms.
The Palace is now open as a museum and is a very popular tourist attraction. ''It is estimated that apporoximately 5 million people visit the Palace of Versailles each year as tourists, and between 8 and 10 million people walks the gardens of the palace each year.''-Palace of Versailles Facts
However, the French Revolution has been regarded as one of the most important events in the human history. According to John Robinson, one of the visitor at the Palace, who has visited the Palace for more than five times since it was opened for the public... ''No matter how long the rich people use the poor or abuse the poor people, one day the people will stand up and fight for their freedom.'' He said.
See more photo below;

Friday, 13 October 2017
My Time in London
Traveling is education as it allows one to learn from other people’s cultures and histories of a particular place, at a particular time. I was privileged to have traveled to London in respect to the Brexit propaganda agenda. As a little girl growing up some where in Africa (Nigeria), London was part of my dream countries to visit.
In those days, some black Africans saw the Europeans as god. They were seen as special creatures as many of them cruised in the ship and the miraculously flying air machine. Some of them had even imagined the overseas to be the paradise, that the scripture talks about; little wonder as some black Africans travels through the desert and Mediterranean oceans, just to cross to the assumed paradise, since some Africans claimed Europe is one minute drive to heaven (smile). The clouds were
considered to be heaven, where the almighty God resides.
As a little child, I was told amazing stories of the great things the Europeans scientists created through their wisdom. In the course of living in Germany, I have the rare privilege of traveling across Europe to see how other people live and to learn their cultures. I discovered that we are all equal but different in diversity. I love London, the architecture are breathtaking and amazing to behold.
The world is changing so fast that hardly is anywhere safe anymore. Terrorism is the order of the day. Each time I went out, I was always conscious of my surroundings and the people around me. If you are on the tube station, you will hear the security announcements, ‘don’t drop your luggage anywhere and if you see anything suspicious report to the Police.’ ‘For your Safety CCTV is in use.’
When I visited Buckingham Palace State Rooms, I left my handbag on a seat and moved towards the Queen’s garden, before I knew what was happening, a man ran after me, saying that I should come back and pick my handbag because he was afraid. Now everyone is a criminal suspect. I went back to pick my handbag because we were told to report to the Police, if we find any bag anywhere at
anytime at once.
Apart from the terror threat, there is a new face of danger in London, the acid attacker: they use the acid to attack for the motive of robbery. The attackers are usually targeting moped riders to steal their bikes and smartphones from users of sophisticated smartphones.
During my stays in London, I heard news about the acid attacks and I was terrified. Because as a student in London, I didn’t really know my way and I wouldn’t want to experience the horrible things in London. I can’t imagine the pain all the victims of the acid attack go through. ‘Some of them lose their eyes and suffer longtime injuries.’
I began to wonder about the wickedness in the world today! The truth is that, everyone will die one day. So, why all this killings of innocent people.
In June I lived in Paddington in a lovely apartment, after which in July 29, 2017, I continued my stay
in Kensington. Although, London is a nice place but there are some areas that are not so nice. Seeing
lots of garbages in some streets. Surprisingly, the Arabs have dominated the business in London; as most of the shops are owned by Arab people, which is not bad. But then, some of these shops' owners, do not really take good care of their environment, which makes some areas look unkempt.
“London has really changed in recent time.” Said Paul Manuwa, a staff of London Medical Research. “I love London because it is an industrial area. There are lot of job opportunities,” he added.
Personally, I enjoyed my stay in London. There are lot of parks for relaxation. Sometime I went to the Kensington Palace garden but the Hyde park corner was one of my favorites. It’s very big, clean and lot of tourists do visit there. It is located around a major road junction, close to Bayswater and Buckingham Palace.
Many international students, who came to London to study are not happy about the decision of the Brexit, as this may affect the free movement of exchange of studies and mastering of the English language.
“I hate the idea of the Brexit.” Ethan Brown, a British resident, Maida Val. During the Vox Pop conducted, 'most of the citizens of the Britain are not really happy about the Brexit, as this might affect their economy.'
I enjoyed my stay in London. My favorite places was Buckingham Palace and the Treasure of the British Library. I was inspired by wisdom and knowledge of the art works, literatures, the Gothic Bible, handwringing Of William Shakespeare’s script in their original form. I was amazed to see the handwriting of the Beatles songs in their original form at the British Library. How cool!
I also enjoyed the transports system in London. With the Oyster card, top up, one can use the Red buses, underground train and overground train. Although, life is expensive in London. And I must confess that I didn’t enjoy most of their local food. I ended up eating in a 5 stars restaurants; Claridge’s and Ivy restaurant.
Coming back home, I decided not to fly in the air machine but rather travelled beneath the sea. Out of curiosity, I came back to Germany using the ‘Euro tunnel.’ It was 30 minuets drives from the channel of the English Island to the mainland of France. I am still pondering on how the engineers built the ‘Eurotunnel.’ How amazing!

Friday, 22 September 2017
German Federal Election 2017 and the Nigerian Election
Angela Merkel- Germany chancellor, has been in office for over twelve years and her term in office has be favorable to most of German citizens. She is also the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Two leading parties in Germany are CDU and SDP. Martin Schulz, is also the leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). He was the former European Parliament president (2012-2017). Amongst the other parties. One of the leaders of these parties is more likely to win the election on Sunday. As both have good political background and are well experienced in the game.
I don't really like writing or talking about politics because of the reality of the country where I grew up. Though the country is a land flowing with milk and honey but sadly the politicians of Nigeria are only interested in the milk and honey and in the land and the citizens is of less concern to them. They only remember their citizens during the election period.
During the general election, they cajole the youths and use them as thugs. Most of these thugs are the one they use to rig the election. They go to the election poll not to vote but to steal ballot Boxes and materials. Politicians can even employed the killers to assassinate their running mate or whoever is strong to stop their devilish ambition.
In Germany there are no election campaign, like they do in Nigeria. In Nigeria before the election, the various political candidates go out in a big van, with exotic cars roaming the metropolis and constituency as the case may be with loud music and supporters. The van is usually wrapped with their political parties flags and photos. They will disturb the whole area and deface opposition posters and bills.
The one that surprised the most is what political critics call "stomach-structure." Politicians give the citizens bags of rice, just because they want them to vote for them. Some of the Nigerian citizens ignorantly sell their mandate to wrong people- looters for a bag of rice. What a shameful act! This shows the level of poverty in the country as many of the citizens are truly hungry and they see each election period as a blessing from the political class. Some even get money from some of these corrupt politicians, who only bribes the citizens to vote them in office.
The Nigerian politicians makes a lot of fake promises during their campaign for the election, after they are elected into power, they never fulfill any of their promises. They will not even solve one problem in the country but rather they will embezzle the founds. Nigerian is a oil producing country without one good oil refinery. What a pity!
There are no good roads, no good water, there are no constant electricity and soon. The country is backward and the politicians and clergies are flying in their private jets all around the world. How sad!
I am super excited for Sunday, 24 September 2017- as a new citizen of the new nation called Germany, I have the right to vote...; perhaps maybe if I was born here, I should have love politics. How cool!
God bless Germany and God bless all the politicians and God will make Nigeria great again!

Thursday, 31 August 2017
Diana, Princess of Wales, Stories and Photo
Twenty years ago on the 31st August, 1997. Princess Diana of Wales met her untimely death at the Pont de l' Alma road tunnel in Paris France. Many still believe her death was not ordinary but a conspiracy because of her relationship with Dido Fayed, the son of Mohammed Fayed, an Egyptian Business Mogul.
Some school of thought had questioned, why should Diana fell inlove with an Arab immigrant and it is also a shameful act to the Royal family, if she eventually conceived for Fayed. Looking at some videos of Diana, she has a lot to say about her life, unfortunately for her, she died before she could explained her side of the story to the world. Its her life anyway, she owns no one explanation how she has chose to live it.
Diana keeps coming in the news and the young generational are wondering why? People in their late teens when she died do not really know much about her, so it is not a surprise that some young ones ask who was Diana? 'she lived a life of simplicity and humility.' James Simth One of the guest at Kensington Palace. 'Diana became very famous for her humanitarian work and her lifestyle.' he added.
Thousands of people all over the world has been visiting the Kensington palace, where Diana lived for 15 years and her children; Prince William and Prince Harry are currently living in the same palace. however, Kensington Palace has long been home for young royal family. 'Diana still have her room in the Palace, nobody inherited her room.' Said Ellen Spencer, one of the staff at Kensington Palace.
Many people are still going there to leave bunch of rose flowers in the memory of Princess Diana. inside the Palace there is exhibition room for Diana, where most of her clothes are displayed for show case. Diana is gone forever but her memories lives on. Diana is no more but her clothes are living!
Prince William and Prince Harry are celebrating 20 years of the death of their beloved mother.
See more photos below...
"She was the best ambassador for British fashion." CAROLINE CHARLES.
"She was a symbol of what one meant when one spoke of icons. She took a role and created it with style and grace." DONNA KARAN.
Princess Diana's garden Kensington Palace

Sunday, 13 August 2017
Looking To Enjoy English Tea Check This Out
It was 'waoo!' at Orangery Kensington Palace. Why would you choose to go for breakfast or lunch at Orangery Kensington Palace? For me, I think I enjoy eating in a classic restaurant because of the atmosphere. I can always eat at home if there is nothing attractive else where. After all, some food can really be messy if they are not well made, but then if you are eating in a good and beautiful restaurant, the environment connects to the soul, making you to feel happy, even if the food is not good enough.
However, the Orangery Kensington Palace is famous for its 'elegant breakfast and lunches.'Aside the beauty and elegance of the restaurant, it is quite affordable. Their English Royal tea is less than 4 pounds and the 'Royal Breakfast,' is 28.90 pounds, while lunch menu ranges from 12 to 17 pounds and salad from 7 to 8 pounds.
The staffs are very friendly and nice. And I really enjoyed their services as well. I also got a surprise birthday gift; hehehe lot of laughs!
For more information please visit:
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