Saturday, 31 December 2016

My 365 Days of Gratitude Project And My Testimony

At the end of 2015 I decided to be thankful for everything God has done and what he will do in my life then I started sharing my daily gratitude with pictures on Instagram, I tagged it my 365 days gratitude on Instagram. Before started writing my gratitude challenge; I was jobless, hopeless, lonely, cashless and so on.

As my gratitude goes on, I became very positive about life, I started writing things that are not in my life, as if they already exist. Yes some of you my call it "the law of attraction" but I call it faith because I so much believe in God. To be honest with you, it took me three freaking years of confusion, humilation and determination, to pickmup back to the woman that I would like to become. 
Before I started my gratitude all my years of living in Europe was nothing but a life of  'uncertanity'- sorry I don't know if that is the right word or phrase to use here. I had no direction of where to go and what to do. 

My 365 are as follow;  I hope it will inspire you, not to give up on yourself:

1). I am Thankful For The Year 2016: The year 2016 is the year I discovered my purpose, and I started living according to my purpose in life. It is no doubt that many people are only existing and not living. As a child, I grew up in the appreciation of beauty of life; gifts, friends&family, godly-lifestyle. I have the privilege of knowing/meeting some great people in life, and these 
have help in shaping my life. 

2). I am Thankful For Writing/My Career. I am so thankful for my life as a journalist and the privilege to write or work with a German Newspaper (Die Rheinpfalz Zeitung). I was so passionate to 
work as a journalist in Germany, and I didn't not know this will come to pass in my life. At the beginning of year 2016, I joined the green voice of hope gospel singers, and I always go to the choir 
practice, the people took interest in me perhaps because I was the only African (black) in their midst. So they often asked me what I do for a living and I told them that i am a journalist because I studied 
Mass Communication from the Nigerian Institude of Journalism where I obtained my Diploma in mass communication. So they told me to go to the local newspapers in my area maybe they will employ me. I remember 11th March 2016, I walked into the Rheinpfalz Newspaper office in Grünstadt, I spoke with the Editor that I am a journalist and I would like to work with them but he told me they would not be able to employed me then because my german language is not pefect to write...
  I was not so happy but I asked the editor if we can take some pictures together? ( Können wir ein Bild zusammen machen?) and he said "yes" "ja" then we took some pictures together, then he asked me to give them my contacts, I did and left. Some hours later someone called me back and offered me the position to be writing/reporting for the culture page from the Africa perspective. On  16th April 2016, my first story appeared on the sport page.  And ever since then, I have been writing for the Rheinpfalz Newspaper , and next year my story is coming up on the front page of the newspapers, which means the story is going to be circulated throughout the Rheinpfalz State how amazing! Super excited for 2017, I will strive to write more, I'm looking forward to completing my book manuscript. 

3). I am Thankful For My Family: There are not more words in the world to describe the love of one family. Family love is said to be built on unconditional love. The Ebiniyi family is a very big family with royal blood from Ondo State but since we lost our parents our family has limited to only my immediate family even though that is not Africa culture because most Africans have closed relationship with their extended families unlike the Europeans who only stay in the nuclear family. So in the above picture is my younger sister, my brother-inlaw, my nieces, and my nephew. And of course my friends are part of my family and I really love and appreciate everyone of you for your love and support as well. Germans family 

4). Iam Thankful For My First Car in Germany: I worked so hard to bought my car. After walking in the cold for years. Although my husband had intended buying me one but I do not really like his choice of cars for me. I love cars and so I have had a dream car for a long time even though I didn't intended driving in Germany because I had thought I can always ride in my husband's car. Germany  transportation system is better than what we have in my country; and for this reasons I decided not to drive in Germany but little did I know that those that drive have a better chance of getting a job... I must say, I am thankful for my car because it gets me from 'point A' to 'point B'. I'm still working hard in order to buy my dream car. It is not really easy to drive a big car in Germany due to tax and insurance unlike in my country of birth (Nigeria) where people drive big and exotic cars without any taxes and insurance. Only the very rich and wealthy people drive exotic cars in Germany. I am surprised even the very rich people in Germany have just two-three cars, while in Nigeria some rich people have more than five-to-ten cars parked in their compound yet Nigerians citizens are living below the poverty line. My thought! 

5). I am Thankful For You Readers: Since I started writing my book I realized that writing is a battle, and to overcome this battle you have to believe in your ability to do so. See yourself as your own BOSS and Editor. Practice makes perfect' sometimes when i'm sleeping I will be composing a story in my mind. Sometimes I have sleepless nights because I needed to write down my ideas. I am not the best writer in the world but i am glad each time I chat or talk with people, I hear them says... "Queendaline why don't you write a book..." This has been a good year for my writing, I started writing my book at the beginning of this year, and my blog which you are reading now, I started blogging 2008, in 2017, it's going to mark exactly 9 years since I started blogging but I never write or share stories like I did last year.
Today is day 350 of my 365 days gratitude on Instagram, so far I have been enjoying the gratitude challenging and I can say I am blessed through this exercise. I did it without mentioning any names but JESUS. Thank you Lord Jesus for everything. 

"This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD"- Psalms 102:18 

What are you thankful for today? Please kindly drop your comments, in the comment box. Happy New Year Everyone! Greetings with a lot of love and blessings to you and yours!

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Christmas Traditions In Germany And Nigeria

Christmas is here again! My favourite part of the holiday is Christmas Festival. Christmas to me is a celebration, which includes spending time with my family, and shopping, for the people I love. 

I learned that Christmas is better celebrated with snow, as the snow signifies the cold season as it been described in the scripture that Jesus Christ was born during the cold season. I remember someone once asked me, how do we celebrate Christimas in Africa without the snow or cold winter, and my response was I didn't know that Christmas has something to do with snow. However, I have never see snow in Africa. While kids in Europe or America  play snowmen, Africa children play with sand.  My questioner said yes, because snow and Christmas often go together, and she can not image how Africa celebrate Christmas, that often she like it more to see snow on Christmas Day. 

Also, I get to know that there are more Christmas traditions in Europe or Germany than in Africa or Nigeria. For example, in Nigeria the people do not observe the four advent sundays, there is no St. Nicholars's Day, there are no Christmas market as it is here. And Santa Claus is called Father Christmas in Nigeria. The Father Christmas is often seen at trade centers or schools sitting somewhere and children go to him to get some gifts. 

Another thing that is different between Christmas celebration in Nigeria and in Germany is the food; in Nigeria the special food on Christmas day is Rice and Chicken stew with salad or with some special traditional food such as, pounded yam and egusi soup. Pounded yam is similar to the German Kartoffeln Püree. And egusi soup made with grounded melon seed, and cook with cow meat and Pepper. 

People celebrate christmas differently, for instance in Nigeria, some family celebrate Christmas by going to church, cooking big pot of rice and chicken stew to entertain their neighbours, and visitors on that day, and poor beggers on the street. In some part of Nigeria some children go from house-to-house to get candy, food and little gift inform of cash from their friends and family. This brings joy to the children and it really fun for them. 

Also, in Nigeria people celebrate Christmas with a lot of firecrackers/fireworks they throw firecrackers at every conner of the streets and it often loud. Sometime people have to call on police to stop them, as some criminals also use this as opportunity to steal.I don't really like the firecrackers as I was hurt once when someone threw that on me. Unlike in Germany where fireworks is only allow on the 31st of every December, in Nigeria the people start fireworks/firecrackers from November till January and it is very loud and crazy. Speaking with Ademola Tistus about the Christmas festival in Nigeria this year, he said that the Christmas this year is different that is just quite, as the recession is real affecting them. There is no money to eat, drink and therefore most people has no money to buy firecrackers to throw but maybe they will throw some on Christmas Day and the new year eve. 

In Nigeria many families usually throw a big parties that will last all night, especially in Lagos Island where the people like fun.
Nigeria do not celebrate Christmas or exchange gift on the 24th but Nigeria celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December and gifts and every other thing is been done on this day. And the 26th of December is known as the boxing day; on 26th people usually party and hang out with friends, the beach resort is usually full at this time of year the including the cinamas in Nigeria. 

In Nigeria what I really like is the Christmas Carol in church, drama or movies to reflect the birth of Jesus Christ, because Christmas is said to be the birth's of Jesus Christ and as we all know that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Make up the foundation of christianity. Although, the bible did not record the extact date of Jesus birth, but all over the world Christmas is been celebrate on 25th of December this is the day Jesus is claimed to be born.

However, Christmas celebration in Germany is absolutly different from Christmas in Nigeria. One of the big part of Christmas celebrations in Germany is Advent. Such as, the Advent calendars, Advent candles. The Advent candles is a ring of fir branches that has four candles on it. One candle is lit at the beginning of each week of the Advent. The Advent is observe in four sundays before Christmas. Also the Christmas Markets is well known in Germany here all sort of Christmas foods and decorations are been sold.

There is also what is called Christ Child- the Christ child has nothing to do with baby Jesus. The Christ child is often described as a young girl with Christ like character. This tradition often takes place in Nümberg where a young girl is chosen every year to participate in a parade wearing white and gold dress with a crown. She carry out a lot of duties on this day such as, offically opens the Christmas market on Friday before Advent starts. She visit the hospitals, the old people's homes, grant TV interviews and visit other places.

The St. Nicholas's Day is between 5th-6th December, Nicholas
comes in the night and give children sweets. Another Christmas tradition in Germany is the star singers. They go from house to house singing a song and collect money for charity purpose. 

This is mainly done by catholic- four children, three who dress up like the Wise men and one carries a star on a stick as a symbol for the Star of Bethlehem. After which they finished singing, they write a sign with a chalk over the door of the house. The sign is written in a special way, for example 2017 would be: 20*C*M*B*17. 

Unlike in Nigeria where rice and chicken stew is the main Christmas meal, in Germany goose are often served for the main Christmas big dinner on the 25th or 26th. I have also learned in Germany, that spending Christmas with our family is very important. We usually gather on 24th night, which is known as the holy evening in my mother-in-law house for the exchange of gifts and the 26th is the Christmas family dinner.

Decorating for Christmas is so much fun for me in Germany; I decorate the inside with the Christmas tree and lighting. Although, they are real Christmas tree in Germany but we always use the artificial tree. Personally I enjoy shopping, as it makes me happy. I love going to the mall, all the mall and stores are so beautifully decorated in Germany. Also I go to different towns and cities to visit a Christmas Market every year. However, my favourite Christmas traditions is the Advent period.

I was invited to a Christmas party this year by the Buschmänn NGO in Adamslust Frankenthal, to talk on difference between "Christmas in Nigeria and Christmas in Germany," it was a nice time to shared my experience with the people because I have celebrated four Christmas in Germany and I can boldly say there is a lot of different. I really do I enjoy each Christmas in Germany because it is a Quiet Time. This is a time to reflect on our Lord Jesus Christ and to talk more about him, not time for crazy fun. My thought! 

These are some of the German Christmas tradition that I have learned over the years I have lived here. Happy Christmas Nigeria! And frohe Weihnachten Deutschland!

K-Town shopping Mall. 

Ludwigshafen City Hall Shopping Center. 

Mannheim Christmas Market 
Mannheim Train Station 

Sally Rausch Real Christmas Tree 

Mannheim Christmas Market 

Green Town City Christmas Tree 

Mannheim Fashion House Christmas Decoration 

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Namibia Get Help From Germany

Africa has been described as a wealthy continent with many living in adject poverty and sickness. It is no doubt that Namibia is one of the wealthiest countries in Africa, but still around half population lives below poverty line.

Namibia GDP per capita is 8,200 dollar- The economy is mainly minerals, and Namibia is one of the richest places in Africa for strategic minerals. Namibia is one of the highest producers of diamonds in the world.

In the year 1884, Namibia was a German colony, as the Germans took over the South-West Africa
during the colonial era. The country got her independence on 21 March 1990, but it organs do not function as an independent nation as many of her citizens are begging for international aid.

Germans has been supporting the country since its independence, there is a new government negotiations between Namibia and Germany, the German Government through its implementing agency Deutsche Gesellschaft Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH... This is will commence in 2017.

However, they are other organisations (NGOs) in Germany that have been supporting poor children in Namibia, one of such organisation (Buschmänner e.V) founded by Carlo 'von' Opel who along side with his team has been doing an amazingly good job in supporting the children in the undeveloped area in Namibia. Such as; donating bus, toys, teaching the kids farming system, and providing
musical instruments for talented young artist on the street, with the help of Jack Francis, the children
are learning how to play various musical instrument during church service and other event.

From left: Carlo von Opel, Queendaline Schneider at the Buschmänn e.V Christmas party yesterday at Weinstube Adamslust Frankenthal Germany. 

 I was overwhelmed with work Carlo and his team are doing in Namibia: Is it surprising that in such a world full of greedy leaders or governance who are only thinking highly of themselve, we still have people like Carlo who sacrifice his 75 birthday ceremony on 16th May, 2016 to meet the need of the street children in Namibia.

In a world that was empty, God created the earth: The earth provides everything every man's needs to survive no matter where we are born but the greed of corrupt leaders in Africa has brought shame on us  Or Isn't A Shame- that there are no any countries in Africa continent that is developed. Tell me how is it that the country, that is one the world highest quality producers of diamonds and its citizens are still living below poverty line.

Africa does not really need foreign aid, but Africa need leaders with selfless love and total commitment.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Nigeria Actress, Ini Edo Reveals How She Escaped Church Building Collapse in Uyo

Nollywood Actress, Ini Edo, has shared her testimony; how she escaped the collapse of the Reigners Bible Church building in Uyo on Sunday.

The church building collapsed during an ordination service for Bishop Akan Weeks, but unfortunately leading to the death of over 100 people and leaving many injured.

According to Ini Edo, says she could have been among the victims on Sunday, but she was held up in traffic from Calabar to Uyo for 7 hours, on her way to the church venue.

Read what she wrote on her social media page after the cut...

" 2 days ago, I was very bitter about the unreliable nature of some of our airlines cancelling flights without prior notice thereby hindering my plans to attend a church service ceremony held in Uyo. Now out of determination, I took a flight to Calabar with the hope of being in Uyo just in time for the service since the journey between Calabar and Uyo was just about an hour. The journey ended up taking over 7hours because of an unexplainable traffic. No accident, good road no hitches just a headlock traffic. Whilst in the car, I started wondering why all my efforts to be at the service was being thwarted... then I got a call, that the entire church building had collapsed during the course of the service... Once again, God had saved me... My heart goes out to the families of the departed... May the good Lord grant them the heart to bear the loss. Everyday we see a blessing... It's not because we are special or better... It's the exceeding grace of our Lord Jesus. I am so humbled and grateful to God for preserving me... Happy thanksgiving"-

Thanking God for the life of our dear Nollywood actress, Ini Edo may the almighty God continue to keep and preserve you in Jesus name.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Donald Trump's Grandparents German Hometown- Kallstadt

This is the house where, Donald Trump's grandfather was born in Kallstadt Germany. Despite his roots, Trump and "racism" Trump is also a descendant of immigrates; his forefathers left Kallstadt for economic reasons, in search of a better life. It is a known fact, that all the white people living in America today are all immigrates from Europe, just like the Africa America are immigrates from Africa. I hope Trump will have a rethink in its policy of allowing all people to live and work in America without any problem.

Trump's grandfather, Friedrich Trump was born on March 14, 1869 and he left for the US in 1885, joining his sister in New York. He later changed his name to Frederick and came back to Kallstadt, and married his neighbor's daughter Elisabeth Christ, before going back to New York with his wife.

According to Mr Uli, a native of Kallstadt, he said that the couple returned to Germany because
Elisabeth was homesick, but was banished in 1905 because Trump's grandfather failed to carry-out his military service.

However, Donald Trump is really proud of his German heritage- he says nice words about his grandparent's hometown in a 2014 documentary.

"The people in Kallstadt are very reliable, strong people and I feel that about myself- I'm strong and I'm very reliable. I'm on time, I get things done," he said.

It was also said that Kallstadt was a hometown and birth place of Johann Heinrich Heiz and he got baptized in the Kallstadt kirche (Kallstadt church), whose American-born son, Henry John Heinz, founded the Heinz ketchup company.

See more photos after the cut...

It was said that this is also Elisabeth Trump's house in Kallstadt

Kallstadt church, where Johann Heinrich Heinz was baptized. 

Photo Credit: Queendaline Schneider. 

Friday, 11 November 2016

The Feast of Saint Martin

Why are they more christian holidays in Germany or Europe than in Africa (Nigeria)?

Today is Saint Martin's Day in Germany; what does Saint Martin's day means or who is Saint Martin? Saint Martin was a Roman soldier, who later was baptized as an adult and became a monk, and he became the bishop of tours respectively. Who later became a legend, and the feast of Saint Martin is often celebrated on 11 of November every year. This holiday is said to have been originated in France, then spread to England, Germany, and the Eastern part of Europe. It was an important medieval autumn feast, and the custom of eating goose rapidly spread to Sweden from France and other part of the world. 

Saint Martin of tours, was a kind man, who lived a quite and simple lifestyle. He love helping the poor, he live for the poor people. He was a man full of compassion for the less privileged. Once upon a time, Martin was traveling on a cold, winter night on his horse when he saw a freezing beggar on his way. Martin immediately had compassion for the beggar, and cut his coat (cloak) in half and shared with the poor beggar,  in order to save the poor beggar from dying from the snow cold. 

Saint Martin claimed that he dreamed that same night, that Jesus was wearing the half coat he gave to the beggar. Martin said that he heard Jesus saying to the Angels, "Here is Martin, the Roman soldier who is not baptized; he clothed me". Wonderful insight, this reminds me of what the scripture says in Matthew 25:43-

However, St Martin was known as friend of the children and patron of the poor. No wonder the children often celebrate the night of November 11, in Germany for example with singing, and lantern parades to mark the St. Martin's Day in Germany; as they walk, they sing: "I am walking with my lantern and my lantern is walking with me", the children sing.

St. Martin's Day or Martinstag has become a tradition in some part of Germany, as the people enjoy the traditional Martin's goose dinner. (The goose is stuffed and served with red cabbage and dumplings). And children like baked Martin's geese made out of cookie or yeast dough..., or the traditional salty Martin pretzel. Most of this children, are kindergarten and elementary school children who have also craft their lanterns and rehearse songs for St. Martin parades. 

Although, St. Martin's day is said to be christian holiday,but most Africans countries do not know about this holiday and do not observe it as well. I did not know about the the holiday myself, I get to know more of it from my dear Gert-Uwe Schneider who ultimately narrated the story to me, and Gert said to me, I thought you are a christian? And you should know all the Christian's holidays. But the truth is that the only Christian's holidays that are popular in African or Nigeria is the Christmas's and Easter's holidays. I'm inspired by the legend of Saint Martin! 

However, Africans mighty not be celebrating or observing most Christian's holidays but Christianity is experiencing more rapid growth in Africa than anywhere else in the world, although Europe still has the largest Christian population, but Africa might takeover. For example, in Nigeria on every streets you see more than 5-10 different churches. And I want to believe this is so in most Africans countries, as African believe or claimed to have seen lives 
and miracle happening from just attending church services. On the other hand, practice among Germans is falling year by year, just few older people regularly attend church services, unlike in Nigeria where millions of people attend a single Sunday church service. 

I think Christianity should not be about only going go to church every Sunday or observing all the Christian feast. A good and real Christian should behave like the Saint Martin who lived a simple life and care for the the poor; and became the patron of charity for his good deeds this is what Christianity is all about. Even Jesus was a good example, the scripture says that Jesus was always move with compassion.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Donald Trump Elected 45th President of America

Too many anti-Trump talks and hates, although some Africa Americans or blacks might not like him because he speaks the mind of the majority of the white Americans. Donald Trump according to some white/africa Americans, would make America great again; unlike many leaders who during campaign feed the voters or the people with some good will promises stories, just to get their votes. He was very real, because he speaks his mind to the whole world and he is also quick to apologized for his past mistakes.

Despite the leak of the scandalous mails by wiki-leaks which is enough to tarnish Hillary Clinton, yet some people still want her to win the election, because they believe she is the one with the leadership experience, as she has been in the government for a long time. She's said to be calm, and of course
she is not a racist. However, if Hillary had won the election, some schools of thoughts perceived it to be the continuity of the Obama Socialist agenda, and it is obvious that most white Americans pray for change no doubt.

Donald Trump may not be good enough as the elected 45th president of United State of America, but the truth is that, let all of us embrace a world order of being ourselves because that is what freedom is all about. We should learn to speaks our mind at all time, either good or bad because that is what the spirit is saying at that time to us. It is better to says what's on our mind than telling some cheap lies just to save face.

Really, it's always amaze me, when some Nigerians always try to condemn or talk about foreign politics with little or no knowledge about this. Even when Nigeria politics is considered to be one of the worst in the world. This just reminds me of the last general election in Nigeria...

However, during my conversation yesterday with few friends and family, I knew Trump will be elected as the 45th president of USA because some of this people actually predicted that Trump is going to win the election.

Anyways, Donald Trump is said to have a good relationship with the President Putin of Russia, and since he has won the election; this will probably help to reduce the fear or threat of the Third World War, for the time being. I'm not surprise as Vladimir Putin becomes the first leader to congratulate Donald Trump as the new elected US President.

However, most Christians in America will not support Hillary Clinton as president, a woman who accepted that abortion is not a sin, however the rate of crime in America, and even the remover of the Ten Commandments status shows that God needs to intervene, in this election for the sake of the righteous in the land.

"For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth"- ROMANS 9:17 Do you get it? Don't forget America is God's own country; in God we trust, and God bless America.

Photo credit: Donald Trump's Facebook official page. 

Sunday, 30 October 2016

African and Halloween

Should Nigeria adopt Halloween like they adopted Christmas and Valentine Day from the western world? 

Halloween started in Ireland as a Christian holiday, but later perceived as a pagan holiday for people to celebrate the dead or spirit of their ancestors. But today people started dressing in costumes to scare away evil spirit. 

Brief history of Halloween: according to Wikipedia, the word Halloween or hallowe'en dates to about 1745 and is of christian origin. The word "Hallowe'en means "hallowed evening" or "holy evening" It comes from a scottish term for All Hallows' day in scots, but today's Halloween festival are thought to have been influenced by folk customs and beliefs from the Celtic speaking countries, some of which are believe to have pagan roots... While some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of dead called... In Poland, believes some Christian church traditionally observed hallowe'en through a vigil, and fellow by a visit to the graveyard or cemetery, where flowers and candles are often placed in preparation for All Hallows' Day"

I believe Halloween or Hallows Eve is actually an annual holiday celebrated on the 31st of October in several western countries like; Germany, Canada, America, Australia, Ireland etc. Halloween is said to be ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. A Gaelic festival to mark the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or the dark half of the year when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts. 
In some part of European countries or even America it is an holiday, where people dress up in costumes to scare away evil spirit. For example, in Germany children dress up in costumes and go from house to house to get sweet or candy. The children will often says "sweet or bitter?" Which implies the treat or trick on neighbors. 

I want to believe the world is now a global village, and there is nothing wrong with exchanging or sharing culture but some Africans believe the western culture will affect african culture and norms. There are still many Africans who do not believe in the Halloween celebration, especially among Christians, who believe that Halloween is nothing more than a witchcraft celebration because of some traditions that are involved. For example, the wearing of a scaring costumes, if you got a trinket etc. 

To cut the long story shot, some Africans (Nigerians), believe Halloween is America or European witchcraft festival or voodoo and do not really like the Halloween festival, even though there are similar festival in Nigeria such as; the Odo festival, the Oro festival, Iriji festival, and the Eyo festival in Lagos. However, the Odo festival which marks the return of the dead to those still living in some villages in eastern part of Nigeria (Igboland). 
Also, Eyo festival it is a festival usually held in Lagos to escort the soul of a departed Lagos king or chief and to usher in a new king. The Eyo masquerades are always dress up in a white costumes with their faces covered, and clad Eyo masquerades is said to represent the spirits of the dead, and their dance routines. Just like Halloween is believe to be associated with ghost or spirit so is Odo and Eyo festival is in Nigeria. 

Although, among the Nigerians the indigenous religions or festival have largely lost majority of their traditional followers to Christianity and Islam. Even though Christianity is also European or western religion; today the Africans (Nigerians) are taking it more serious than them, those who introduced it to them. Of course Christianity is a pure religion of love and peace if we do it in the right way. Like I often say, Christianity is not a religion, it is one faith or believe in Jesus Christ. 

In the past nobody no what is Halloween in Nigeria, it is just recently people started talking about Halloween in Nigeria. Also few years ago, I heard some young people celebrated Halloween in Nigeria but this was totally different from how it been celebrated in Germany. Some adult just organized Halloween costumes part in Lagos Island. Trust me, Nigerians or Africans would always want to copy everything from western world, even though they do not really know the origin of the Halloween. Some Africans still believe whatever come from the western world is good and African can copy or adopt it into their own culture but Halloween festival is not welcome in Nigeria, especially among fundamentalist Christians who see it as evil or satanic festival. 

Anyway, the difference is that the Americans or Europeans do not take Halloween serious or attach any spiritual meaning to it like some Africans have assumed. I want to believe Halloween is only a big business in the United State, big generating business revenue growth through such festival, just like Christmas. Keep buying costumes and candy, and have fun too! Happy Halloween Germany!
Another thought provoking from Queen's court desk!

Monday, 24 October 2016

Kidnapping the New Business Trends in Nigeria

The rate of Kidnapping in Nigeria is becoming worrisome and helpless, not only to Nigerians, but to the world at large. Before now it used to be boko haram in Nigeria Kidnapping school children in the northern part of Nigeria i.e Kano, Maiduguri amongst others; Even though Kidnapping is not a new phenomenon, yet Kidnapping is becoming the order of the day in Nigeria.

 The one that is now news in Nigeria, is that some of the kidnappers use their victims as servants or to go out on the street and start asking for arms. Begging for money and bring this money in return to the Kidnappers. Example of such story is that of a young girl who was kidnapped recently, in the area of Agbor village in Delta state Nigeria, on her way to school one morning. The entire family was looking for her with no success for four months until last week when the father of the girl received a call that his supposed daughter is with them at that moment in a church in Akure, Ondo state.The caller briefed the man that it was like the girl escaped from  her abductors. The father of the girl, he did not know what to say or do or how to express his joys or how to manage all mixed up emotions all raging inside of him, pleaded with the caller to take the girl to the nearest police station that unfailingly the next day they will leave for Akure. 

To cut the long story short, after the girl was returned to her parent, she narrated her ordeal. According to her, on the day she was kidnapped, she was forced into a car while going to school, by two men with weapons and drove under serious threat to Ondo. Another teen was kidnapped too with her on the same day. When they got to a place in ondo state, she was not sure if it was  Akure or another town in Ondo. They  were taken to a place where they met other people who have been kidnapped ealier. They heard some people spoke to them in harsh languages that they had been brought to that town to work and they should not even try to run away or tell anybody about it because they have people monitoring their movements. They threaten to kill anyone that try to play smarter. According to her, they where given a black customized T-shirt and are taken daily to strategic location for street begging. Each one of them must deliver 850-3000  naira per day and any day anyone deliver less than that, that person is tortured like animal. They  have where and how they do collect the daily returns from each beggars. Someone attempted to escape he was caught, how they were able to do that, she don't know, so fear was on everyone. But this teen attempted to escape and succeeded because most time she doesn't meet the target, as she hates the acts, and the daily torture is unbearable. When she escaped, according to the first woman she ran unto her arms in the church that received her at Akure, she must have ran several kilometres, because she fainted as she ran into the church premises. 

We gathered that the real owner of this dastard business is based in Lagos and monies are being sent to him at intervals. This people are rich because of the turn 
over from different states and they are connected. During the interview the father of the rescue girl after they brought her back. He said this people are so connected to the point that two suspects that were arrested in line with this criminal acts were granted bail even before the police could return the girl to her parent.

There are possibilities that bigger girls are being used for prostitution because the girl said they assured that some will be sent to other big cities or  abroad for better business as they mentioned.

Another recent Kidnapping, few days ago a shocking video was emerged, of a prominent proprietress who was kidnapped, raped and buried alive by her driver and some of his gangs. The victim is said to be the owner of Chelsea International School, one of the biggest school in Abuja. 

In the past in Nigeria, it used to be Kidnapping of Government official, forigne expatriates, top religious leaders, celebrities and Nigerian politicians and their children because these are the people that could provide them with a huge ransom that is been demanded. 

The one that draw my attention is the new strategy of Kidnapping poor innocent children and using them for street begging or even trafficking. As they sell some of these Teenagers  to some Nigerian Madam who live in some part of Europe, and this people use the girls for sex trade. Some of this girls are even use to sleep with animals and use all sought of drugs. This is evil in the highest order. 

The widening of the level of insecurity in Nigeria is a big cause for concern as all are affected by this illed manner of business. 

However, Nigeria economy is at it worse now, and the country do not need kidnappers for any reason, as this scared away the foreign investors from Nigeria. It is such a pity that bad governance and failures of our leaders has pushed many of Nigerians citizens into all form of evil but this will not help in moving the country. 

Things like this should'nt be happening in a country like Nigeria. Nigerians are hard working people and very intelligent people. God bless Nigeria!

Sunday, 16 October 2016

All White Party with Tiwa Savage Sydney 2016

Iamike Entertainment in collaboration with Afrique Boutique proudly host the Nigerian talented female singer, Tiwa Savage at Croatian Club, Punchbowl Sydney last month. 

The event that brought together young people from across Australia. The singer finally gave his devoted fans her best. Especially those who enjoy listening to her music. The event was Tagged "All white Party with Tiwa Savage". Besides the young people that were grooving to Tiwa Savage music, and mummies/daddies were not left out of the Tiwa event. 

Despite all the personal challenges she has faced early this year, the award winning singer didn't give up on her career. She did not allow her personal challenges to destroy her dreams. She is a true inspiration to all her songs, and a role model to those who might be facing one challenge or the other in their life.

From left Ohiro Okan, Tiwa Savage, and Kemi Okan owner of afrique beauty who was also one of the organizer of the event. 

Photo credit: Kemi Okan...

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Way Forward For Nigeria Youth

 Prince Edward, who is a politician, Diplomatic Business Man and a philanthropist is currently the special Adviser to Governor of Cross River State on Youth Affairs. Edward was among the panelists at the tourism promoting event held at the Marina Resort Calabar, a major tourist location in Nigeria.

The  Special Adviser to the Governor of Cross river state on youth affairs, Special Adviser to Governor on Tourism, Tom Aki as well as other government functionaries were distinguished guests at the special event. The global theme for the event was "Tourism for All - Promoting Universal Accessibility." While the Sub-theme was "Diversifying the Economy of Cross river through Tourism." The key issues that were subjects of discussion at the event was; How to engage the youths of CRS to take advantage of our tourism products to ensure maximum utilization and self reliance, and most especially, how best to carry along our disabled youths.

However, I think every individaul should carry all our disabled youths along in every area. For example, here Germany most of the disabled are also been taken care of as normal people right from their Kindergarten to when they start to learn a profession. We really have a lot to do in Nigeria.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Africa Night- Come Let's Dance For Goodwill

The African Night On Saturday in Eisenberg Germany. The dance world (Tanzwelt) Movement GmbH, is a dance school in Eisenberg runs by Beate Wagner and Sascha Nickel. They help in organizing the Africa night, bringing together different dancer and singers to come and perform at the event for goodwill purpose. The Africa night show is a yearly programme in collaboration with NGOS who are working in Africa (German Volunteer Programs) working to save lives of sick children in Africa (Kenya and Ruanda). 

According to, Mr Manfred Lackmann the chairman of ZIGIRA Health care (Gesundheitshilfe) in Kenya, and Mrs Erika-Hauß-Delker the president for the hospital association (Ehrenamtliche Presidentin) who is also an ophthalmologist helping in Ruanda, they explained how they started the movement project to help sick and poor children in Africa (Kenya and Ruanda), eighteen years ago they started to build schools in Africa, even though the schools are own by the Kenyan government the large part is sponsored by this organizations. Seven years ago they start, to build health care centers in Mombasa Kenya to help the sick children who are dying from malaria and other diseases. Same in Ruanda. According to, Mrs Erika-Hauß-Delker in her speech, she said that, we are doing this for the African; so that the children can go to school, so that they can give them medicine against malaria and help them to live like every other normal person, to enable them to learn a profession in order for them to have a job in the future. She also talk about how they have been helping in fight against malaria and hepatitis in Africa (Ruanda). 

Seven acts performed during the events, including children. The first group from among these seven groups, was The Cross Over Choir from Ebertsheim, The Square Dance Club from Eisenberg, The Crazy Jumpers Dance, and among others was the Tolan Kadi Dance group. The Tolan Kadi Dance was led by Ibrahim Camara. Tolan Kadi is a traditional or cultural dance from West African country Togo. Ibrahim Camara is very artistic, and he is able to communicate with his dancing skills. One can see how he uses his dance to communicate with all the people present at the event, without speaking, he uses his body language to move nearly all the audience out of their seats to join him on the dance floor. By the way, the Tolan Kadi Dance is from Togo but this group also have some (Germans) European who are active member of the dance group. I am also a Nigerian, for the first time in my adult lifetime I participated actively at the show, even though I am not from Togo, I was able to use the drum. It can be said that the importance of drumming and dance in African culture is central. However, the importance of dance in any society which are traditionally based on oral and performance of art, skills and modes of communication and forms of message and information for transmission through performance, emotion and social behavior for example, Square Dance and Tolan Kadi dance groups proved this theory of dance codes.

They also take break between the shows, and during the break time the goodwill offering was collected. Some people gave money to support the project in Africa. The organizers of the events said that all the money generated from the Africa Night will be send to Africa to continue with their project. The dance world movement, has really used the Africa Night to fostered development and inspired Africa by gathering people every year for this event. And I think this legacy will move us forward in Africa, I hope it will be extended to other poor African countries. It is really terrible, and painful that some children have to suffer in this way, as it is in Africa today. In my own opinion I think all people deserve the good chance to live a good, healthy life, but unfortunately that is not how our world works seeing all this poor children dying in Africa and other third world countries. 

I have seen, read and watch in TV programs on how the Germans or Europeans And Americans are contributing towards various projects in Africa; such as to save the sick children, to produce medicine to combat the epidemic disease, to give the African children good and better life etc. But I do ponder on why some rich people in Africa are not contributing toward their own nation development. For example, in Nigeria a lot of rich people are living a luxurious lifestyle including the pastors. Most of this people have private jets and exotic cars, they live in mansions and wear designer clothes and some people are dying in their country for a problem that could be solve for small amount of money. The one that surprised me most are the churches or religious leaders in Africa (Nigeria), they collect tithes and offerings from the poor people and they use the money to build schools, that the poor people can not even afford to pay the fees of the school. Pastors are living in mansions and flying in private jets. The best government schools we have in Nigeria today, are schools built by the missionaries during the colonial rule. As a child I have always see the Europeans as the god of this world, seeing and reading about all the good things they have done in the world today. 

Another problem I will like to talk about, unlike in Germany where the people plan before they have one child, because they believe children are very expensive to take care of them in order to give them good quality of life, but the African mentality is such that the more they breed, the richer they are. Since they hope and believe the children will take care of them when they are older which is not bad though. The Germans know how costly it is to raise just one child, but the Africans do not believe child cares is expensive. It is really sad to see how children are dying in some African countries; it is not the fault of the children, but the nation they are born in. Unlike in Germany where the government make provision for children right from their birth. The Africans government do not have such system. In Germany a child receive 180 Euro in a month, this money can feed a family of five children in some African countries for a month or more. That is why some African people see Europe and America as a land of opportunity. Indeed Europe is a land of opportunity, but Africa is a land flowing with milk and honey, with bad leaders who lack knowledge on how to manage their own resources and help to give their people a better life. May I say this? God bless Germany! I am thankful for the privilege of living in Germany and I hope to bring everything I have see and learned here to my country some days. 

Queendaline Schneider.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Celebrity Birthday Queen of Anambra Heritage

Celebrity birthday, Anambra Heritage Queen Udeze Sophia is a year older today!

Here is wishing you a very happy birthday, hope this day will bring you an excitement of lasting happiness. May your day be filled with joy, life, peace and greater opportunity. 

More about Sophia Udeze she is currently the SOS Face battle, after winning Husnah Maccido with a percentage difference of 59%-38%. Congratulations to the Hottest Feminist In The Nation!

Watch out for her, she is likely to be the next Miss Nigeria. Isn't she fabulous? Of course she is. 

Photo credit: Olivia Udeze.