Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Though i maybe a child, i have a right. Though i maybe a girl, yes i need education. I maybe poor and needy but i have a voice. Not the Government of the nation or money can deprived me of this right. Nor Religion can take this right from me. Not only I have this right but all the female in the world.

Written by Queendaline Schneider
Dedicated to Malala Yousafzai.

Friday, 22 November 2013

The Church and The Poor

Watch out for end time Pastors; these things are really bothering me. If I have not seen the hand of God in my life or if I have not prayed and my prayers were answered or if I have not dreamed and it came to passed. I would have be a free-thinker. I believe in God and I believe in Jesus Christ. Christianity is not a religion; it is our faith in Christ.

What is gospel? The gospel is the act of doing good. But today people use the gospel to enrich themselves and their family; especially in Africa... ( case study Nigeria). I am not against it, if people bless the pastors with their substances and i am not saying pastors should not have good way of living, but I think too much of everything is bad, as it could be refer to as greed or covetousness. 

I have come to realized that some of these people have turned the church to business center. They brain wash the people, they pick the portion of the bible that suit their message and they used it. I am tired of pastors saying be part of my ministry, i am tired of pastors saying send your tithe to my church, i am tired of pastors saying pay some amount of money before i pray for you, i am tired of pastors who want you to lie in the name of favour, i am tired of pastors who are after what they can get from the members as offering or tithes, i am tired of pastors using offering and seeds money buying expensive shoes, suit, luxrious cars, flying with first class ticket or private Jet.

They know all the bible passages to use, to justify their extravagant or flamboyant way of living. For instance, if you ask a pastor why he own a private Jet, he will answered by saying Jesus rode on a brand new donkey. If you ask a pastor why he is taking money from the poor, he will answered by saying the widow of Zarephath gave  Elijah her last meal. If you ask a pastor why he is wearing expensive perfume, he will say the woman poured expensive oil on Jesus feet, if you ask a pastor why is he wearing  expensive suit, he will say after Jesus death the people were fighting for His rope: if you ask a pastor why is he living in a mansion, he will answered by saying in my father' house there are many mansion. 

 The one that surprise me most is happening here in Europe; case study ( africa pastors), when a pastor come to Europe for visiting: with a visiting visa, he wont go back. Instead he seek Asylum, if you ask why do pastors seek Asylum Europe, he will answered by saying Jesus was 'an undocumented immigrant in Egypt. 

Above all, pastors children and family are having the best of life. Lot of them are schooling in Europe with church money. Most of the people who gave this money to the church are people who could not eat good meal or send their ward to good schools. Most of the churches universities today: the people you will find there are parish pastors' children and the rich people children.

 I never thought much about Mr Bill Gates before now, because I heard he is a free thinker: until recently that he got an Award in Germany for his good heart towards the poor and I fell in love with his personality. If all the pastors in the world will do like mr Gates. I think it will be nice. 

A Bishop was sued in Germany for flying with first class ticket to India to see the poor and for using Billion of Euro  to renovate his house...
I am not here to judge or criticize our religion leaders but i am appealing for a change. Let our Pastors or the church remember to bless the poor. Christ did a lot for the poor, He told a rich man to go and sell all he has and give the money to poor people. Let this be our motto: 
" i have food, clothes, home, car e.t.c i am comfortable now i must bless the poor". Go look for a life you can transform. Let's live for one another. 

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,"- Luke 4:18

Written by Queendaline O. Schneider

Monday, 16 September 2013

Help One Poor Live Longer

Sometimes we ask ourselves, why is it that some people are rich and some are poor? I think it has be like that since the creation of the world... But then, the rich are not to mock the the poor. They are to feed, give to them or assist them in becoming rich. What did our Lord Jesus Christ say about poverty?

According to the account of St Luke 14:13, " But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind;" (Luke 6:20-21) And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said, Blessed be ye poor; for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh.
According to the book of Deuteronomy 15:11, for the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shat open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. From these bible account, we can see that the fate of man as being poor or rich has been from the origin of the world.
Oftentime, the solution or question has been; how to eradicate poverty.
Now the question is, can poverty be eradicated or can the world be free from having poor people? I think the answer to this question is "NO" Because as seen from the holy book; The old and new Testament confirmed poverty as part of humanity. 

Although, poverty is vary from continent to continent: in the developed countries poor people have access to good standard of living: such as; food, shelter, water, health care and good road etc. Moreso, the government make provision for the unemployment, by giving them all the neccessary basic of living i.e housing, food and allowance for other needs. (Case study, Germany)...

While in Africa, Asia and India are where we find extreme poverty; with people without home, people living on the streets. Even in the course of surviving some people left their home and started living on the street, some find help and other ended up in adject poverty.
It is a known fact, that poverty can not be eradicated but it can be reduce. How can poverty be reduce? Poverty can be reduce by the following ways: By Empowering The Youth of a given society, Antipoverty programs, Skill Building, Help from Religion Leaders, Government should make Provision for less Privilege ones, Individual and the Society at large can reduce poverty by Effortless Ways To Support a Good Cause. 

Inconclusion, it is clear that poverty can not be eradicated but it can be reduced. Every Individual should have a positive mind set. (Individualism) "The poor shall never cease out of the land" it does not mean you have to be one, you can walk out of poverty to become a wealthy person.

Think Big
Dream Big
Build your personality
Act like a rich person
Make friend with rich people
Have a fatansy ( with God all things are possible )
Above all, work and pray.

Written by Queendaline Schneider.